Chapter twenty six: Here comes the hero!

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Choi Han wandered around in the Forest of Darkness for tens of years. He lost count how many years have passed since he got transported to this unknown world. Monsters crept around and he had to make sure he would survive. He mastered how to fight and how to hide. He heightened his senses so he would be alerted when something dangerous would come his way. He struggled for so many years to survive to the point he had to temporarily kill off his emotions so it wouldn't get in the way.

Living alone was too tiring for him. No family and friends, no one. Just him and himself. Today too, he continued wandering inside the Forest of Darkness. Defeating and killing off monsters left and right. Good thing, he already had his own strength and it greatly helped him survive. He didn't know what time it was but he knew for certain that it was still day time.

As he was walking alone, he suddenly heard explosions and rumbling sounds across the distance. The energy in the air was different from how it should be. He thought that a strong monster would come so he immediately hid himself inside an open trunk in the forest. The aura was too strong and he knew for himself he couldn't beat it. Not now.

After one hour, the aura disappeared along with the explosions and rumbling noise. He began walking again and continued his routine of killing the monsters.

That night, Choi Han went back to the opened trunk and decided to turn in for the night. He specifically chose this place since no monsters often wander around that tree. He slept while keeping alert.

Three hours passed and he suddenly felt something heavy on top of him. He was sleeping in a sitting position, he suddenly felt warm and smelled something sweet from that thing on top of him. He reached out to his sword and slowly opened his eyes.

Choi Han was surprised to see another human being inside the forest. He didn't notice this person's presence at all and he was sleeping comfortably on top of him. Choi Han felt the person move and was about to fall so he immediately wrapped his arms on his waist. The person was still a child, he had red, long hair and he was extremely pale. He reached to the person's cheeks and it felt warm, the red-haired child nuzzled closely on to his palm.

Then, as if the red-haired woke up, the child's hand moved to his chest and began to feel it. Choi Han was somewhat embarrassed by what the child was doing so he cleared his throat to gain his attention.

"Ahem!" Choi Han faked a cough. The redhead looked at him, he had beautiful almond shaped eyes and his reddish brown eyes looked captivating. The child's face was also pretty.

The child seemed surprised to see him, even Choi Han himself was still in shock.

"Um, hello?" The child spoke. He certainly could understand the language the child was using. Choi Han was actually surprised to hear his mother tongue.

"What's your name?" Choi Han asked in Korean, since the child in his arms was speaking it. He assumed the child would definitely understand him.

"I am Cale! How about you?" Cale smiled. Choi Han beamed as relief painted his face.

"I'm Choi Han!" He answered.

Cale woke up on top of Choi Han. He was still currently sitting on his lap and the hero still has his arms around his waist. Cale didn't protest since he suddenly felt cold and wanted warmth.

"What are you doing here, Cale?" Choi Han asked in a friendly manner. Never did Cale imagined Choi Han was capable of being this friendly.

Choi Han doesn't remember me yet, if he did, he wouldn't be this friendly to me, Cale sadly smiled. Somehow that thought calmed him down.

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