Chapter forty nine: Body of earth

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Night time came and the celebration started. The warriors were loud and started singing their victory song. It was a lively celebration befitting of these warriors. Cale laughed and sang alongside them.

The moment everyone fell asleep, Cale and the children snuck out as they remained invisible so no one would notice them. Youna was in-charge of looking out for anyone suspicious or if someone noticed they disappeared.

They entered the tower, it was creepy since it was night time. The warriors haven't cleaned the tower and it still reeked of blood and rotting flesh. He made the children wear a cloth to cover their noses as it would be unhealthy to keep inhaling such scents.

"Let's meet your new friend first," Cale said and Raon happily led him up to the secret wall along the Magic Tower staircase.

"Just follow us, Cale-nyaa!" Hong said as he wagged his tail and led the way along with his sister. Then the kittens and the black dragon led Cale inside the staircase going to the underground levels.

"He is on the first underground level, he is really good at hiding. Haha but no one is as good as us at hunting!" Ohn proudly said as she elegantly walked.

"I see, I see. I really have such reliable children!" Cale giggled. This made the three leap in joy after hearing him say they were his children.

As they walked, Cale suddenly leaned on the wall when they all heard a creaking sound. An odd noise was made as the wall started to open. The three children perked up and they showed their proud hunting face, while Cale just watched.

A small figure could be seen inside. Cale fixed himself so he could appear friendly to the person inside. Contrary to his expectations, the person inside was trembling in fear. Cale made an inexplicable expression as he didn't know how he should approach the smaller being.

"Um, hi?" it came out as a question.


All of them heard a hiccup coming from the smaller person. Cale was at a loss of what to do. The other person was clearly scared of them. The redhead then crouched down to lower his height and spoke to the smaller one again.

"Hi, I am Cale and I will not hurt you."

The smaller person shook intensely while having a pale face, it's making Cale awkward with the situation. The redhead thought of a way to ease the other person's nervousness, no, fear.

Hmm, can I make my body smaller or child-like? That way maybe he'd ease out? Cale thought as his body suddenly glowed and shrunk. The three children with him stared in awe.

"Kyaaa! Cale-nyaaa/Human~!" the three children squealed.

Cale became smaller in size, the same body size he had when he was five. The three children circled around him. The other person stared in awe, that wasn't magic or anything. Nobody could alter someone's body unless they had divine power; that was a fact.

The smaller person somehow relaxed seeing that a blessed person like him wouldn't have any reason to hurt him.

"Calm down, Ohn, Hong, Raon," Cale said as the three children began nudging their heads on his small body.

It took them a whole five minutes to calm down. The smaller person was no longer afraid of seeing their interaction.

"Um, hello. I am Cale, may I know who you are?" Cale asked as he smiled.

"I am Mueller, your Excellency," Mueller, the smaller person, responded. Cale frowned from the sudden formality in addressing him.

"You can just address me casually, you don't have to call me that," Cale said.

A Chance towards HappinessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora