Chapter twenty-seven: Days gone by

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After meeting with Choi Han, Cale visits him thrice a week and they would always talk about trivial things. Sometimes, Cale would also teach Choi Han important matters that will help the hero once he steps out of the village. He was also improving in learning the Rowoon Kingdom's language. If Choi Han had a lot of time to spare, Cale would teleport him to a town for him to have a practical application for the things he learned from the redhead. His language and culture study were successful much to Cale's joy. Now, Choi Han won't have any problems when the time comes.

Cale settled and didn't go or involve himself in anything dangerous after receiving some warnings from the gods. He still couldn't pinpoint how he could assimilate his body to his soul. The gap was too great and he was having trouble trying to look for ways. The gods didn't help him at all. That's why he set it aside.

On Cale's thirteenth birthday, Alver, Taylor, Cage, and Clopeh visited him and wished him a happy birthday. The four individuals brought him the greatest and luxurious gift. Alver somehow didn't like how Clopeh acted around Cale. The prince would always get in their way, the same with Taylor. Eric and his group were somewhat surprised to see another bunch getting along with Cale. He was glad as his elder since Cale wouldn't get lonely once he decided to attend the nobles' banquets. Cale told Eric and the others to keep what they see a secret. Eric, Amiru and Gilbert were no fools, they knew how greedy nobles were and they certainly wouldn't say something that might trouble Cale. They love Cale as their youngest and they pampered him alot.

Since Cale liked shiny and pretty things, King Zed Crossman gifted him a lot of high to highest quality gemstones. An anonymous sender, which Cale later discovered was Fredo, gave him a lot of gold bars and books only available in the Endable Kingdom. He also received a gift from the Duke of Sekka.

Wow, isn't this a ... lot? Cale thought as he stared at the bunch of gifts he received.

Cale didn't forget to thank them, of course. As gratitude, he played and sang a song for everyone who attended his small party and for the people who gifted him.

After Cale's simple birthday banquet, he took a rest since he got tired too fast. Ever since it was revealed to him that his body was not compatible with his soul, Cale would get tired and sleep a lot.

The next day, Cale and Alver were having tea time in the greenhouse. They mostly talked about the prince's life inside the palace.

"You look tired, hyung," Cale said as he sipped on his tea.

"Well, I have a lot of things to do in the palace. Since I do not have the same noble support as my brothers so I have to work double," Alver replied as he put a cookie in his mouth.

"I see, my hyung is working hard," Cale smiled.

"Good thing I came here to see you, my fatigue went away!" Alver laughed.

"Ha, you better be," Cale grinned. Both laughed.

Deruth and Zed, the current King of Rowoon Kingdom, were taking a stroll around the Estate when they saw Cale and Alver in the greenhouse.

"It seems our sons are getting along really well. Their mothers would be happy seeing how close they are," King Zed mentioned as he looked at the two children fondly.

"Yeah, I always wondered how Cale befriended the prince but it seems my son was the one who barged into your palace," Deruth responded as he remembered what his son told him before.

"That's right! I was really surprised to see him sleeping on my bed that day. I thought you were neglecting your son that made him run away," Zed said. Somehow, Deruth felt a pang in his chest since the king wasn't entirely wrong.

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