Chapter forty five: A day with the Henituse' siblings!

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After eating dinner, Cale went upstairs to rest. The cat children and Raon were still in the garden to play while Youna went to his room. Cale sat on the chair by the window and began flipping the book he had on the table. It was a breezy night and Cale read silently.

As Cale was immersed with his readings, he didn't even notice the cat and dragon siblings entering his room. The three children hopped on the bed, preparing to sleep while Youna sat on the couch across Cale. The red dragon watched his red haired human.

Time went by, it was midnight when Cale heard a knock on his door. He turned his head to see Youna watching him and he saw the three children already asleep.

"How long have you been there, Youna?" Cale asked as he stood and stretched his body.

"For a while. You're so busy reading that book, is it that interesting?" Youna responded.

"Well, yes," Cale smiled, then another knock was heard.

"Orabeoni, it's me, Lily," the youngest Henituse said outside his room.


Cale opened the door and Lily was there then in a distance, Basen could be seen walking towards his room too. Both his siblings were wearing their nightwear.

"What are you two doing here?" Cale asked as soon as Basen stood in front of them.

"Orabeoni, I can't sleep since I am too excited for tomorrow!" Lily admitted, Basen could also be seen nodding to the statement. Cale chuckled.

"Both of you really are still children," Cale said as he patted their heads.

Cale let them enter his room and told them to sit whenever they like as he cleaned himself and wore his comfortable clothes to sleep in. When he was done, Cale saw his brother and sister sitting on his bed—the children awoke from the siblings' presence.

"You two should be sleeping in your room. Mother will scold you if she sees you walking in that clothing," Cale said as he climbed on his bed.

"But Orabeoni I can't wait for morning to come. I'll stay here until morning," Lily responded as he buried herself inside Cale's blanket.

"Is it the same with you as well, Basen?" Cale asked as he turned to his brother. The younger one nodded timidly.

"You two really are still children," Cale laughed as he pulled both his siblings in his embrace. The three children, who were in their beast and dragon form, and Youna joined in their snuggle which made them laugh.

I guess I have to request a bigger bed, Cale thought.

Cale was lying in the middle of his bed while his siblings were both by his side. Raon was lying on Cale's chest and the cat children were both on the side of Cale's neck. Youna was in his dragon form, curled around them as if to protect them.

As everyone started to get sleepy, they only had one thing in their mind. That is how excited they were and couldn't wait for morning to come. Cale was definitely forgetting the nature of his own gift.

It was dawn when Cale awoke from Youna's shaking. The red dragon was saying something but still couldn't make out any of it since he was still half-asleep. The three children were also buzzing and the black dragon was invisible. Basen and Lily were also awake.

"What is it? I'm still sleepy though?" Cale asked.

"This is not the time to be sleepy, Cale! Wake up!" Youna yelled. The redhead scratched his eyes and his soul got revived when he saw his surroundings.

AH! Did we get teleported here by my gift? Cale paled. All of them looked homeless.

"Hyung, where are we?" Basen asked, Youna handed them a cloak which was stored in his spatial bag.

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