Chapter one: Starting Point

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An eight year old boy was sleeping peacefully, and a soft breathing could be heard from the small child. A minute later, a knock could be heard from his door. But the boy was sleeping deeply and soundly, the sound didn't wake him up. Hence, a butler in his late 40s entered the room of the child. The butler approached the child, and a small smile appeared on his face as his Young Master was sleeping peacefully without any care from the world. 

He tapped the small child gently and the child slowly opened his eyes. The boy groggily sat up, his eyes were half closed, and tried to adjust his vision. He could see his butler opening the curtains in his windows, and his eyes met the sunlight beaming from the openings. The butler then turned around to see his Young Master but suddenly stiffened from the sight. The Young Master Cale Henituse was crying sadly and silently while staring at his palms. He hurriedly approached his side.

"Is there something wrong, Young Master?" Ron, the butler, asked. Cale just shook his head without looking at his butler. Cale wasn't sure why he was crying, it felt that he had a lot of reasons why he's crying to the point he cannot identify what. 

Worry was present from the face of his butler and started to gently pat the redhead's back. Cale found his butler's gestures endearing but he couldn't calm down. This made the redhead cried more. Hiccups and heavy breathing could be heard from the redhead much to the butler's panic.

"Where's dad and mom?" Cale asked between his hiccups as he grips his chest tightly. Without answering the butler head out the room and called for the redhead's parents. Soft yet strong cries could be heard from the opened door of the Young Master. The servants who heard their young master got worried and they could see the Count and Countess rushing to their only son. They were followed by Ron, who closed the door after both the Count and Countess entered.

"What's the matter, my dear?" asked his mother. Cale looked up to the familiar voice he heard and he cried even more. His mind was mushed up right now and couldn't collect his thoughts. A lot of different memories flashed before his eyes and he was now confused. He just released the feelings he had from watching all those by crying.

Cale didn't answer his mother which made both of his parents worried and hugged the small body. Cale gripped on their clothes and cried sadly as if he was grieving.

"There, there, we are here," Count Deruth patted his back gently, making him relax to the comforting feeling. They could still hear the redhead sobbing from their arms.

"It seems my small bean had a nightmare," Countess Jour said trying to ease her child. Cale just shook his head without looking at his parents. Jour looked at his son with soft eyes, and patted his head. She just knew why this child was crying, as she sees her son's time was changed and warped. Her son's time was originally warped, but this time it changed. She didn't know why, but she had a clue this might be the reason why her son was crying.

"It's alright now, Mommy and Daddy is here," she said softly and hums to soothe the child in her arms. Both of them continued patting the redhead gently and slowly Cale stopped crying. As his body relaxes and his mind adjusted and now organized, feeling the tiredness from all that crying, he fell asleep.

"Oh, he tire himself and passed out," Deruth said in worry. He gently laid his son carefully, he could still hear his soft sobs in his sleep.

"I wonder what happened?" Deruth looked at his wife with face full of wonder as he knows his son doesn't cry too often. His wife just let out a soft smile.

"Maybe he just had a nightmare," Jour answered while caressing the face of her son while her other hand was holding the small hand of the boy. They just looked at their son's sleeping face and from time to time wiped the tears that came out from his eyes. They didn't leave their son's side and waited for him to wake up.

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