Chapter forty one: Things will be different this time

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Alver called Choi Han and his group as they were currently staying in the palace. He was certainly confused about his dream last night. He was half-asleep and couldn't make out what the other person was talking about. However, he was familiar with that person.

If he's truly awake, why wouldn't Youna inform me? Alver thought as he massaged his temples.

He knew his dream was real since the person left these weapons to be given to Choi Han and the others. When the heroes entered, Alver beckoned them to sit on the couch.

"The Royal Family will proclaim your group as heroes who protected the people. The citizens saw you fighting off the terrorists," Alver started.

"But we didn't capture the mage," Choi Han responded.

"It's alright. We can search for him anytime. Right now, the people need a symbol that will help them at ease," Alver explained.

"Also, an unknown person entered my room last night. I was beyond exhausted and couldn't make out what he said," Alver sighed as he recalled the events last night.

"The only thing clear for me was he was asking me to give these gifts to all of you," Alver added as he pointed out the weapons on his table.

"The greatsword is for Vicross. These daggers are for Ron. This shield is for Lark. This bag full of the highest grade magic stone is for Miss Rosalyn. Lastly, Choi Han this is for you, a black sword," Alver said as he gave them their weapons.

The greatsword, daggers, shield and the black sword came from a set. All of them were dyed black and were made of high quality materials. Choi Han, Vicross, Lark and Ron carefully examined their armory. It was greatly refined by an excellent blacksmith.

"The person who left these said that these weapons and shield cannot be found anywhere else in the world. These weapons are solely created and designed for you," Alver said.

The four men were astonished. It was true their weapons were all crafted based on their weapon choice. It wasn't heavy nor uncomfortable to use. Rosalyn was also surprised to see a bag of the highest grade magic stone, she had only seen a handful of them since they were rare items. To think she would possess a bag filled with it? She didn't even think about it before.

"Who would give us these? All of these gifts are created by high quality ores and materials and these magic stones, where did they get these?" Rosalyn asked.

"These might have come from a wealthy noble. I don't want to use something they gave and then comply with their unreasonable demands," Rosalyn added.

"No, we don't have to worry about that. That person left a letter along with the weapons, shield and magic stones. It said: These items will help you get stronger and keep you safe. Use them well," Alver replied.

The heroes still couldn't understand why. The person who gave these wanted them to be safe and not asking for more. This was too good to be true. These items were incredibly expensive, they wondered how much the person spent on them.

"It's no use racking up our brains asking for questions in the air. Let's just show our gratitude by using it well," Alver said.

The crown prince also received a dragon's dead mana and the only one who could possess something like this was his friend, Cale Henituse. However, he hasn't received any news about him waking up. Yet, somehow in the back of his mind, he believed it was Cale who gave them these precious items.

I guess I'll just have to wait for the time when you'll show yourself to me, Cale, Alver faintly smiled.

Alver told the heroes there will be a gathering in the plaza to proclaim and award the heroes and knights who did their best protecting the people the next day. Nobles will be invited to the gathering and the masses would be present as well. After that, he dismissed them and continued his work.

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