Chapter thirty-six: The end of his journey

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A/N: This chapter will be in Cale Henituse's point of view.

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After the meeting with the Dragon Lord, I found myself asleep where the World Tree stood. I wasn't sure what was happening to me and I couldn't control my time travel. It seems I was pushed out from the past.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I was surrounded by wary elves. They couldn't approach me since a barrier enveloped me. I didn't know the World Tree truly existed. I don't even know the reason why I teleported here.

The World Tree's branches swayed the moment I noticed it. I sat up and unintentionally touched its roots, then I heard its voice.

Cale Henituse. A being who's not supposed to be here, it spoke. I stared at the tree without knowing whether I should answer or ignore it.

"Hello," I awkwardly greeted it. The branches swayed again.

I am sure you are aware of what you're doing? You are disrupting the laws of nature. You are creating a future to something that shouldn't exist in a distant future.

I cannot see what you are. I am certain you are not a human being. A simple mortal could not possess that kind of power. The power to do impossible things.

The future is already set in stone. However, your presence made it blurry. Are you perhaps trying to destroy the balance of the world?

There it was again. When I destroyed my old world, I was scolded by the God of Death. After its recreation, I met the World Tree and said the same thing again.

"I have no intention of destroying the balance of the world," I responded.

"I am trying to save it. I may not be the one you all expected but I want to do my part ever since I disrupted everything from the beginning," I added.

The World Tree stayed quiet then it spoke once again.

Very well. Since it is you who decided this world's destiny, nature spoke to me letting you do what you want as long as the balance will not completely crumble. This one will be watching your moves.

"I am glad you understand," I responded.

I clearly have no intentions on destroying the balance completely as I have destroyed it before. I didn't want my people to suffer any more.

After speaking with the World Tree, I disappeared again which I believed I traveled in time again. I felt like I was lost in time, my power was unstable.

Does my power, perhaps, mirror my emotions? I thought.

Ever since I lost them, my confidence plummeted. My control over my power was unstable, if this continues I might really destroy the world like what the World Tree told me.

I closed my eyes and concentrated my power. I circled the energy around my heart. My power was raging inside, wanting to come out and destroy things.

Stop, I can't. I don't want to do that again! I screamed inside my head. I don't want to repeat my mistakes. 

My sin.

My emotions swirled and raged inside me, all of them screaming to let it go. However, I knew, the moment I did, my Omnipotence would overflow. 

I cannot have that!

I struggled and wasn't aware where I was. I curled up on the ground, all I knew I was inside a forest. As I fought off the emotions inside me, I fell asleep.

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