Chapter ten: Knowing what's Important

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Cale Henituse, along with Ron and Vicross Molan, arrived at a snowy mountain located somewhere in Rowoon Kingdom. Ron just sighed in resignation and looked at his Young Master, who's incredibly excited, and glanced at his son, Vicross, who's trying to digest what had happened.

"Young Master, where are we?" Ron asked as he approached Cale and put on his coat.

"In one of the mountains in Rowoon Kingdom," Cale cheerfully answered.

"Can you explain this, Young Master? I am quite confused, how did we get here? Do you have affinities in magic?" Vicross asked.

I guess I should tell them, Cale thought. He looked at the two and answered.

"Ah, I didn't use any magic and the ability I have and used came from the gift of my blood. Since my mother, Jour, was a descendant of Thames, I got it from them. They told me that the Blood of Thames is special, we get gifts by existing in a form of a supernatural ability." Cale explained.

"But in the previous years, two decades to be specific, their gift stopped and I am the first one after those years," he continued. The two quietly listened and tried to digest all the information their Young Master was giving.

"I actually do not know the specific name of my gift as it is too vague, all I could do is to go anywhere I want as long as I know the image of the place as well as the specific time," Cale explained further.

"Does the ability have any sort of a backlash or recoil on your body when you use it?" Ron asked. Cale nodded which stiffened both Ron and Vicross.

"I only need sleep and plenty of food after using it. The gift also got stronger after using it so many times," Cale proudly answered.

"You go out all the time?" Vicross asked with a darkened expression. Who wouldn't? Their Young Master admitted he goes out every time he might have a chance. Ron just shrugged his shoulders. The young chef looked at his father. Cale just covered his mouth as he didn't mean to tell it to them.

"Father, you knew?" Vicross asked again.

"Don't worry, Vicross-hyung. I wasn't harmed during that time and yes, Ron knows it since he caught me one time and I showed it to him too," Cale explained.

"Still, you should be careful, Young Master," Vicross just sighed.

Heh, Vicross-hyung treats me like a child. I am older than you, you know, Cale let out a quiet laugh.

"This is no laughing matter, Young Master," Vicross said.

"Do not worry too much, hyung. I already told Ron I'll ask permission first or I could get the two of you go with me," Cale grinned. Vicross, still not convinced, just shook his head in resignation.

Ho, this is my first time seeing my son get this flustered over Young Master, Ron also laughed quietly.

"So, Young Master, what are we going to do here?" Ron asked.

"We will play here!" He confidently answered.

"We? I am included as well?" Ron asked again in confusion.

"Yes! Me, Ron, and Vicross-hyung will play," Cale answered.

Both Ron and Vicross looked at each other due to their redhead's decision.

Play? Was there a time I played before? The play I knew of was cutting and hitting someone's body, Vicross deeply thought.

As someone who came from the family of assassins, playing was a trivial thing and it doesn't exist in our vocabulary. We do play, but it was a different kind of play, Ron thought.

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