Chapter fifty three: Confrontation

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After ensuring Ron was getting healthy, the dragons decided to bring Cale home for him to rest there. The butler and his son made a decision to follow the redhead there. Choi Han, Rosalyn and Lark also went to the Henituse Estate to check up on the wolfboy's siblings. The black-haired hero wanted to speak with Cale, after all he had a lot of questions he wanted to ask him.

Three days passed and Cale finally recovered. He was dining inside his room with the dragon and cat siblings. Ron and Vicross were also reinstated in the Henituse Estate. Afternoon came, the children were playing in the garden when Ron, Vicross, Choi Han, Rosalyn and Lark entered his room.

"It's good seeing you healthy, Ron," Cale smiled.

"It's thanks to the Young Master," Ron smiled benignly. "We are also glad you are awake now, Young Master."

"Thank you, by the way, what are you doing here?" Cale asked the heroes. He didn't understand why they were here in his room. He glanced at Choi Han who was staring at him intently.

Ugh, it seems he has plenty of questions. His gaze hurts, Cale thought as he averted his eyes.

"As for Ron and Vicross, they wanted to work for you again, Young Master Cale. As for Lark, he wanted to see his siblings and as for me, I just wanted to see my old friend," Rosalyn answered. Cale glanced at Choi Han again and Rosalyn just shrugged her shoulders.

"I am happy you're all doing well, noona. And this is the first time you've seen me, right?" Cale said as he turned to Lark, who was nervously fidgeting.

Hmm? This isn't how I remember Lark, he was more cold before unlike now. The Lark in front of me is a child, Cale thought as he examined the young wolf.

"M-My name is Lark, Young Master. I-I would like to thank you for taking in my siblings," Lark slightly stuttered. Cale chuckled as he reminisced about something from the past. The others looked at him with a confused expression.

I didn't know Lark was such a shy boy, Cale thought as he looked at the young pup fondly. It's good, he's a child after all.

"Pardon my rudeness, I just remember something from the past," Cale said. "As you already know, I am Cale Henituse. You don't have to be formal around me."

Lark smiled shyly.

"You. When did you wake up?" Choi Han asked, his voice sounded cold which was something Cale reminded of the same Choi Han he knew in their first timeline.

"I woke up just days before the Plaza Terror Incident," Cale answered softly.

"Why didn't you tell us you woke up?" Rosalyn asked. Cale just smiled bashfully.

"I see, I heard from your servants you went to the Plaza as soon as you woke up," Choi Han inquired. Cale looked at him. Ron frowned from the tone of his voice. "Did you know what would happen that time?"

Really? You're asking me that, Cale sighed. Ron and the others shot their eyes on him.

"Yes, I already mentioned this to my father. I received a vision of the future so I knew more or less what would happen in the Plaza," Cale answered. The others gasp from what they heard. "The vision's not omnipotent. The other parts were blurry so I do not remember everything."

That was a lie. But the others just nodded in understanding. They still thought it was amazing.

"Then, do you know of the Harris Village's future?" Choi Han asked.

"Yes, the villagers of Harris Village were destined to die that day," Cale answered.

However, Choi Han had heard him differently due to the voice inside his mind.

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