Chapter nine: Idleness

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Rumors were spreading fast across the nobles in the kingdom, since the Henituse family were famous and Cale was even more famous due to his unique hair color and talents. Some couldn't believe what they heard as they have met the redhead before. Some also assumed the rumors to be true since they learned about it from Henituse's Vassal Family and the maid of the family.

Meanwhile, the subject of the rumor, Cale Henituse, was just chilling in his room while eating grapes as he stared at the sky blankly. His plan on spreading the rumors of him acting like trash was successful. He heard news occasionally from the maid he asked before, and was satisfied with the results. He just needed to act like trash from time to time so the rumors won't die. Ron, on the other hand, was worried for his puppy young master, since reputation was like a twin in a noble's life. But seeing his Young Master unfazed by everything made him sigh.

The Young Master is really stubborn once he set his mind into doing something, Ron internally sighed and shook his head while looking at his puppy young master looking bored.

A sudden knock startled Cale from his daydreaming, and Ron opened the door. The newly hired butler of the County named Hans greeted Cale.

"Young Master, the Count is inviting you to have tea with him in the garden," Hans politely said.

"Alright, tell dad I'll be there," Cale answered and the young butler bowed and went back to his duties.

Cale immediately jumped off the chair and fixed himself before going down to meet his father, and Ron followed his tail. As he walked down the corridor, the servants greeted him. None in the Henituse Territory actually believed the rumors going around, since they knew what happened between Cale and his cousins—not that he cared. He bumped into Basen when they were about to descend the stairs. Of course, both of them went together and Cale told Ron he didn't need to follow him.

When they reached the garden, Deruth and Violan, with Lily in her arms, were already waiting for them in the garden. Both of them greeted their parents.

"Good afternoon dad/father, mother."

The two nodded and gestured for them to sit. They were just catching up about what had happened to them during the past days and what interests them these days.

"Cale, I have heard a strange rumor," Deruth said as he looked at his redhead son. Cale, who was munching his cookies, stopped and looked back to his father.

"What rumor, dad?" Cale asked, feigning ignorance of the subject.

"The other day, this particular rumor was going around the nobility and I couldn't fathom who would slander my son like that," Deruth replied. Violan looked at Cale, who was now tilting his head as if he didn't know what his father was talking about.

"They said that my Cale is a vicious and disrespectful child that people were calling him a lout for his behavior!" Deruth could no longer hide his frustration which made the redhead a little guilty of what he's done. Violan frowned upon hearing the statement and couldn't help but be worried about Cale.

"That might be because of what happened five days ago between me and the older cousins," Cale calmly answered. Well, he was also one of the reasons why the rumors escalated.

"That incident wasn't your fault and you were the one who severely got hurt!" Deruth was getting angry which made Lily cry and startled Basen. Their father let out a fake cough when he noticed. Violan was calming Lily down.

"I am alright now, dad. You do not have to worry, also rumors are just rumors. It'll die down on its own," Cale nonchalantly answered, which made Deruth sighed.

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