Chapter twenty five: A snake, a whale and a vampire

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Deruth Henituse received a letter telling him that Clopeh Sekka, the heir of the Sekka Household, would visit and stay in the county for a month. The said heir requested to train inside the Forest of Darkness since it was known to have powerful monsters and it was perfect for some crazy guy to get stronger. Cale actually didn't want to agree with that but he had to endure as it was already decided. All he had to do was hide so Clopeh wouldn't recognize him.

The next day, Clopeh Sekka arrived in the Henituse Estate and he was welcomed by the Count and his family. Deruth told Cale he didn't want to force himself in greeting Clopeh since he was still recovering, but Cale insisted that it would be too rude not to greet the heir of the Sekka Household.

As soon as Clopeh laid his eyes on the redhead, who was standing out like a sore thumb because of his hair, he immediately recognized that child. He was that audacious child who humiliated him in his own territory. He smiled towards Cale and the redhead returned the smile but it looked incredibly stiff.

"So this is the Henituse Territory, it's great. Small, simple yet flourishing with wealth," Clopeh said.

"Greetings, Young lord. We received your letter of your stay here," Deruth welcomed.

"Yes, I would like to train my sword in the Forest of Darkness," Clopeh responded with a smile. Then, his gaze landed on Cale and the redhead just averted his eyes.

"I am Clopeh Sekka, son of Duke Rock Sekka," he introduced.

"As you know, I am Deruth, the current Count of the Henituse, this is my wife, Violan, my son, Cale and Basen," Deruth responded with their introduction. The three curtsied to show respect to their guest.

"We should go inside," Deruth said and he ordered his servants to assist the guest inside.

Basen had to excuse himself since he still had classes. So, Deruth, Violan, and Cale sat with him in the parlor. They mostly talked about trivial things at first and Cale just listened to them, counting seconds and wished for them to let him go.

"I wish someone in the county would accompany me while I venture inside the Forest of Darkness," Clopeh said.

"Oh! We will send some of our knights to accompany you," Deruth replied.

"Hm, I don't need any knights. I'm going there to train, I just want your son to accompany me," Clopeh smiled. Cale looked at him in disbelief.

"What? But my sons hasn't done any training. They won't be of help when they go with you," Deruth reasoned.

Both Cale and Basen didn't do any sword or martial arts training, one Cale has a weak body and two, Basen was not suitable for swords. Even though Deruth knew Cale had his powers, he couldn't risk his son going into a dangerous area.

"Hm? But I only want Young Master Cale to accompany me," Clopeh said as he smiled at the redhead. The latter just glared at him.

"Come to think of it, Young Master Cale has red hair, did you perhaps adopt him? If so, I wonder if the orphanage he came from also sells children as alluring as him?" Clopeh asked, clearly mocking the redhead.

The servants inside the parlor were shocked, even the Count and Countess were in dismay. Cale, on the other hand, had a calm expression. He was used to being a subject of underhanded remarks and questions like this. The servants' side glanced at their young master.

"Excuse me, Young Lord, but Cale is my biological son. Please refrain from saying those things," Deruth scowled.

"It's alright, dad. If that is what the Young Lord requested, who am I to refuse?" Cale smiled but his eyes weren't smiling which sent chills to Clopeh's spine. Deruth and Violan looked at their son with a worried expression.

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