Chapter six: Time to Power Up!

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The day and weather was great and the night was cool. Cale, who was chilling and sipping his warm milk, planned on going back to the Royal Library tonight as well. But a sudden question made his back ran cold and felt like his heart was about to burst out from his chest.

"There is something I would like to ask, Young Master. I respect everything you do as long as you are safe but where were you going every night?" the old butler asked which made Cale almost spit out the milk he's drinking. I was found out?! his mind was in a mess as he looked at the old butler with shaking eyes.

The butler sighed seeing his Young Master's expression like he could not believe he was found out. As an assassin himself, he can notice things even a slightest change in his surroundings. One of it was the disappearance of his Young Master from time to time in the middle of the night. Sometimes, his Young Master comes back early and most of the time late. He was worried for his Young Master's safety since he doesn't know where he goes. 

"Um, R-Ron," his Young Master with a shaking voice called out. Ron kneeled and leveled his eyes to Cale.

"Young Master, it's no use hiding it from me. I knew you were going out from time to time, I haven't reported it to the Count since I don't know where you go," Ron replied, Cale suddenly clung to him which surprised him.

"Please don't tell Dad!" he said, his voice and eyes were still shaking. Ron, tried to remove Cale's clutch to his clothes but it made the redhead hold on to it tightly. Before he could reply, Cale spoke first.

"You may not believe it but I always go to the Royal Library at night," he continued. Ron couldn't believe what he had just heard. Young Master goes to the Royal Library which was located at the Capital? How?

"You may be wondering how I go there, but this was supposed to be a secret. Promise me you'll keep it a secret," Cale said as he lifted his pinky finger to create a promise to the old man. He remembered this gesture when he got lost as he went back to the past. Confused, the old man also raised his pinky finger and Cale interlocked his to the old butler.

"Pinky swear, ten thousand punches, whoever lies will be made to swallow a thousand needles," Cale chanted while swaying lightly up and down their pinky fingers. Ron was quite perplexed but he found this gesture cute. If you tell a lie, you have to swallow thousand needles. Such a vicious punishment but it fits.

"Now, you are not allowed to tell whatever I will say to you right now," Cale reminded as the old butler nodded and chuckled which made the redhead blushed from embarrassment.

"Anyway, it is true that I go to the Royal Library every night. As to how I get there, there was once a time I accidentally teleported myself and woke up in the King's bedroom, that was when you saw me one morning falling from the balcony," Cale started.

"You teleported and woke up in the King's bedroom? You have magic, Young Master?"

"Strange enough, I do not have as my body is weak. It can't hold any mana nor I have a magic core. After discovering how this ability works, I went back to the King and asks permission to use the Royal Library since I finished reading all the books here in the estate."

"So, that is how you get there and the reason was you want to read more books? You should have asked the Count if you want more titles."

"I find it fun to randomly pick books to read, I don't have any specific preference. And there are titles where you can only find at the Royal Library. The people there were kind enough to give me snacks whenever I was there." Cale proudly said but made the butler worried. 

"The people there knew you were there?"

"Yes, they said they will keep my presence a secret since it was ordered by his Majesty." Ron felt like his mind was swirling from the information his Young Master had given. It was an unbelievable story. Just from the teleport thing and that his Majesty gave permission to a boy, who wasn't even related to them. Cale, who was looking at his butler's reaction, just sighed.

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