Chapter fifty five: The captured redhead

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Going back to that night where Cale was taken away, the White Star placed him inside a luxurious room where the replica of his hometown was located. He didn't want others to see him and Cale would definitely find this location difficult in case he decided to run away.

Luckily, the Sealed God had given him his divine item to be used for Cale. The Sealed God had told him before to use these restraints to someone he didn't want to let go and the White Star chose Cale to be by his side forever. So, he put a collar on Cale's neck and chains on his limbs.

Cale was still sleeping peacefully without any care in the world. The White Star gently caressed his hair. He felt bad putting a collar on this child but he couldn't risk him getting away like last time. He wanted to keep him here.

"Sleep well, my child. See you in the morning," he said and went back to his own room.

The next morning, Cale awoke after he felt something odd on his neck and limbs. He felt something was tied to it. As soon as he opened his eyes, he knew he wasn't in his room. He looked around his surroundings and he just accepted his goddamn fate and luck.

Hmm, yes. This isn't my room, Cale nodded to himself. Did I use my gift again unconsciously?

Cale sat up and he heard the clanking sound of the chains on his neck and limbs. He then realized his gift didn't act up. He was taken away.

What kind of asshole would tie me like this? Cale asked. He tried using his Omnipotence but to no avail.

What kind of restriction is this? Cale thought as he tried touching the chains.

Then, the door opened and the person he wanted to see the least showed himself with a trolley filled with food.

"Good morning, dear Cale," the White Star smiled. The other redhead was on guard.

Wow, I am so lucky. Of all people who would kidnap me turns out to be the White Star, Cale mocked himself and laughed internally.

"Umm sir Barrow ... what am I doing here?" Cale asked as he tried to cover himself.

"Well I have some questions for you but before that, eat first," Barrow responded.

"Will you please remove these first?" Cale asked as he lifted his wrists to show the chains.

"That ... I'm afraid I can't remove that for you. Don't worry nobody will hurt you here," Barrow smiled as he gently patted Cale's head, the latter just flinched from the White Star's gesture which made him pull out his hand.

"I'm sorry about this, Cale. But these chains will be temporary, okay? Don't be scared," Barrow added then he motioned to the door. "I'll be back later, eat your fill and you can ask the servant stationed here if you need anything. I'll see you tonight."

Then he went out leaving Cale dumb-founded.

"Who wouldn't get scared if they woke up chained like this?" Cale mumbled as he looked at the scrumptious meal. His stomach growled.

"I guess, beggars can't be choosers," he sighed as he moved to where the White Star left the food.

Even though Cale was held captive, he quite enjoyed the food given to him. He knew he should be alert with what they were giving him but he couldn't help it, he was famished. Then when he finished the food, that was the only time he remembered he should inform his friends about his whereabouts. Cale was so used to being alone that he tended to forget certain things concerning his family and friends.

Cale tried using his Omnipotence again but to no avail. Luckily he had his spatial pouch where the ring made from the Sound of the Wind's top's whip was kept.

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