Chapter fifteen: Actions are the seed of fate

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The next day, Cale had teleported to the other side of the stone pillar which was located at Mount Leeb in the Eastern Continent. Youna had another errand to run for the ancient dragon so he decided to leave the redhead human's side. He was reluctant at first but Cale had managed to convince him.

Cale was lucky that he had remembered everything he read about geography and each place's coordinates in every continent. The redhead was looking at the scary looking stone pillar which was also located in their underground villa. He then decided to think about it after he got the last natural attribute of ancient power which could be found in the Grey Eye Forest.

Cale wondered why it was called 'Grey Eye Forest', the name was a mystery itself. Though he couldn't find much information about the forest, he only knew how to gain power here. As he was venturing inside the forest, he was quite surprised since there were no people nor monsters around.

Then, his heart started to beat wildly. Sparks from the Fire of Destruction started to appear, the other ancient powers, too, became incredibly active. He had used the Sound of the Wind to move faster.

Do they know the previous owner of this ancient power? Cale thought as he kept walking to find the lake.

A moment later, Cale found the lake but as soon as he got within the vicinity, he felt needles were prickling his skin. Looking at the appearance of the lake, he could now deduce why this place was called 'Grey Eye Forest'. Before him, a grey-colored lake in the shape of a human eye could be seen. Cale shuddered at how creepy the lake was.

It's like this is an eye of some god, judging a person or monster in this area. Is this the reason why no one can be seen around here? He thought as he tried to calm himself down.

The ground started to shake, then the Fire of Destruction suddenly spoke in his head, Wow! Damn it! I knew he was a cool person! He's taking the initiative just like I taught him to do!

Cale shuddered at his voice, don't tell me the previous owner was a fight-loving person? He wanted to cry. He knew he had to fight but he never thought it would be as soon as he stepped in its area.

The lake was shooting up into the sky and it started shaping into large spears of water.

The ground continued to shake and the spears became sharper and sharper every second passed.

Ah, I really need to fight it, Cale thought as he readied himself to dodge and attack.

Tsk! The other trials were simple and easy, I didn't expect the last one to be this aggressive, Cale clicked his tongue as the ground shook violently and the spears pointed at him.

It looks like we need to fight him first! This guy really likes to fight. Did he choose his trial to be a fight as well? The Fire of Destruction continued to speak.

Hey, old man, I hope you're ready to heal me as I fight during this trial! Cale said in his mind addressing the Energy of the Heart.

Don't overdo it, your plate is weak. Moreover, you're still a child. It'll be difficult to fight in this state! The Energy of the Heart responded as he felt himself crying.

Don't worry, Cale. We'll protect and support you! Indestructible Shield and Super Rock chimed in.

They're right! Don't worry! This kid never won against us anyway! The Fire of Destruction said.

Thank you, wow, I really appreciate that information, Cale smiled. Then the spears started coming at him.

A repressed power cannot defeat a free power, the Sound of the Wind spoke. Cale dodged the spears and activated his shield to defend himself. He continued to think while fighting.

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