Chapter four: Changing Bonds

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Cale Henituse started visiting the Royal Library every time he had a chance. As he was busy from managing the County while his father was absent. He frequently visits the library at night when he still have the energy to do so. He usually go there in his night gown and read some few books before going back to his bedroom. Sometimes, he visits the King to have a leisure tea time with him. He now calls him, "Uncle Zed", and the latter just let him do so as he found it endearing. The librarian grandpa was also fond of Cale as they always discuss things he had read from the library. The servants who know how to keep a secret and knew his presence kept spoiling him with sweets which will make a certain butler nag him again from eating too many sweets. He enjoyed his time in the library as he learned a lot from it. As always, he took note of the important information he found. He also noticed his hair grew longer whenever he uses his gift, now his hair reached past his shoulder which made his appearance more feminine. One could mistook Cale as a little girl if no one knew he is a man.

"Librarian Grandpa, I am here again!" Cale said one night after teleporting again.

"Hoho, good evening, dear Cale. You're here to read again?" asked the grandfather, smiling benignly.

"Yes! I've been learning a lot ever since I started reading here!" he replied in a cheerful voice, which earned an endearing laugh from the elder.

"I see, I see! Go along now, I am actually done for today. His Majesty's servants have placed your food there. You can take your time reading there."

"Alright, thank you grandpa. Good night!" The old man smiled and patted Cale's head, which the latter find kinda embarrassing as he was not used to this. Once the old librarian made his exit, Cale proceeded to the one section of the library and began gathering information.

He collected books first that he found valuable and placed near the window where he always reads. After gathering the books he can manage to read tonight, he flipped the pages one by one and before he knew it, he was already immersed in what he was reading. All the information he got so far, aside from knowing how to manage a territory and leadership, were different legends in connection to ancient powers and about different races. He also reads various books about their kingdom's laws as well as another kingdom and empire's laws. He also learned about the kingdom's swordsmanship, but of course he doesn't practice it since his body is weak. While he was fully absorbed in what he was reading, he didn't notice someone entered the library and saw him.

"W-Who are you?" a voice suddenly called him out. Cale was currently on the floor in w-sitting position, and slowly he lifted his head up and looked at the direction of the voice. He saw a child, who seems older than him, standing in shock. He could see the other child's face slightly red face looking at him straight.

"A ghost," the child mumbled and suddenly turned away and walked out. Cale was flabbergasted to what the other child's conclusion. He looked at his clothes and touched his messy hair.

"Yeah, I may seem like a ghost right now," he sighed. He didn't intend to scare a child due to his unkempt appearance.

Since he was done reading the books he took he immediately cleaned everything up, then he went back to his bedroom past midnight. He fell asleep as soon as his body felt the softness of his bed, forgetting the event that happened in the library. He slept peacefully and deeply without care in the world.

On the other hand, in a certain room in the Palace of Joy, a certain prince was calming himself down after seeing an otherworldly being in the Royal Library. Alver Crossman, the first prince of Rowoon Kingdom, couldn't fathom what he saw. The reason why he had to go there was to get a certain book and he didn't expect to see something in the library. He wasn't scared of what he saw but instead he find a mysterious beauty from that being. He couldn't even erase the picture that struck him after seeing that individual and couldn't help but recall that out-of-this-world image etched in his mind. The red-haired being, who was wearing a white night gown, was surrounded by piles of books as he was reading silently near the window. His hair reached past his shoulder and his skin was pale, looking transparent from the glow of the moonlight that shone past through the window. Only the flipping sound of the books could be heard from the said individual. When he asked that person who he was, he didn't answer, he looked at him eye to eye instead which made him flinch. The individual looked godly from his viewpoint, the lights from the moonlight highlighted the beauty of the person in front of him. It was a breathtaking moment.

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