Chapter nineteen: Busted

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After collecting all the ancient powers he needed and the thing with the dragons, Cale stayed in the County for a while. He really did his best to rest and relax until he fully recovers. He was also punished by Ron who gave him sour or bitter teas, which he loathes.

Cale couldn't tell his powers to Ron, except for the fact that he could teleport. He was afraid that if he told Ron about him, the old butler would still leave him and follow the hero. He couldn't blame them as the hero's enemies were their longtime enemies as well. Even though Cale and the heroes both share the same enemies, his plan was to support them only and not to fight in the frontlines. He just wanted his power to be revealed to his own people.

Cale was also the one tending to the black egg. He could feel that Eruhaben had passed the responsibility to him. He diligently cleaned the egg and sometimes talked or told stories to the little one. Even though dragons were still inside their eggs, Cale knew they could perceive or could hear their surroundings. That's why he was having a one-sided conversation from time to time so the dragon will learn their language.

Cale was currently reading the new books that arrived in their County. Ever since Cale had wiped out the books (of course, by reading) in their library, the Count always purchased new books every week or month. Depending on how much book Cale had read during the time. Deruth was actually surprised by his son's ability to read and comprehend the materials even if it was difficult for his age. He also assesses his son by writing reflections and reviews of what Cale had learned from the books. And sometimes, he couldn't keep up with his son—no one could actually keep up with him.

Cale had caught on to a new adventure novel and was immersed in it. He was fascinated with how the story was written. After reading it, he stuffed the book in his spatial bag and went to his father's office. He knocked and entered the room. He was welcomed by his ever-busy-father-who's-always-buried-in-paperworks.

"Dad!" Cale called out. His father lifted his head and smiled.

"What is it, Cale dear?" Deruth asked, beckoning his son to come close which the latter did.

"Dad, I want to become an adventurer," Cale beamed. Deruth was taken aback to his son's words.

"You see, I've read this new novel and I was curious how it feels like to be an adventurer!" Cale excitedly continued.

He was cringing with his actions as he tried to act like a child. But it was now or never. If he cannot tell his father the real reason why he needed to go out, then he should just come up with excuses. Thus, being an adventurer was a great excuse for him.

"But that's dangerous, Cale," Deruth responded, which made the redhead dejected.

"But dad! I have Haben, Youna and Oli with me, I can also ask Ron and Vicross-hyung to accompany me!" Cale retaliated. Deruth pondered for a bit, having those individuals escort his son will ease his mind.

"I will create my own adventure team and the people I mentioned will be included!" Cale grinned while his right arm was raised and his left hand on his hips. Deruth patted Cale's head.

"Hm, if you become an adventurer, you will go out a lot and won't come back all the time," Deruth said as he rubbed his chin, looking sad.

"I will come back! Youna and Oli could use teleportation magic, and we could talk with the communication device, dad. Don't be sad," Cale replied as he held his father's hand. Deruth chuckled.

"I will come back after one week, dad," Cale used his charm to appeal to his father. It was super effective. Deruth lifted him and kissed his cheeks. Cale giggled as his father's beard tickled him.

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