160. Traitor of Humanity, Deon Hart (8)

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160. Traitor of Humanity, Deon Hart (8)

"You can sit at this desk and speak."

As soon as I saw why the Demon King had gone to such lengths to prepare this place, I understood.

It must be to hint that even to humans who have betrayed and turned their backs on the human realm, the demon realm is kind. Therefore, as evidence of the demon realm, they placed the three moons outside the window as a backdrop, and provided a luxurious room, indirectly showing their treatment of humans.

Considering that what he will wield in the upcoming speech is related to this, there must be significant benefits... Why is he so bitter about it?

Deon slowly touched his lips.

"The start..."

"When you place your hand on this mana stone, a fist-sized white light will appear in front of you after 3 seconds. You can speak when you see it. When you want to finish, just raise your hand again. Simple, right? By the way, this mana stone was made by Ririnel and I together. Although I've never actually used it, it should work well."

"Never actually used it?" Wasn't there one time you used it?"

"Back then, I just used my magic directly. It consumed too much mana."

"...Alright, I understand. Let's start."

He sat down at the desk.

As if inviting the Demon King to speak comfortably, Deon was left alone after he slipped away from the seat. Alone, he placed the mana stone in front of him and slowly closed and opened his eyes.


Eyes that didn't reveal what he was thinking fell into a quiet silence. After a moment, Deon lifted his gaze as if there was nothing to kneel about the world.

From a place slightly away from his face, a white light appeared.



'Let's leave a mark on history.'

It's time to become the worst kind of human imaginable.

A giant screen appeared across the entire human realm, bathed in the sun after the war.

Already familiar after experiencing it once, there was little confusion. The murmurs ceased for a moment, and people focused quietly on the screen, seeing familiar faces.

As if to prove the existence of the demon realm, a man in black clothes with white hair and red eyes stood facing the screen against the backdrop of the three moons outside the window.

"...Deon Hart."

Even if they hadn't seen him directly, his physical features were widely known. Someone murmured as if groaning.

Since he turned to the side of the Demon King, this was the first time he had shown his face, so attention naturally gathered.

Whether he knew that humanity saw him with hostile eyes or not, the man on the screen casually opened his mouth.

[The Empire is selfish.]

It was a sudden and blatant statement that made even those who weren't interested doubt their ears.

[The current Emperor of the Empire must be selfish. When I heard news of the alliance in the human realm, I couldn't understand why humanity had united around the Empire. Actually, I still don't understand.]

As if truly unable to understand, the man on the screen tilted his head naively.

[Are you incapable of learning?]

I'm Not That Kind of Talent [Light Novel ENGLISH]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora