118. Individual Movements (2)

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118. Individual Movements (2)

The day brightened, and the world changed silently.

Changes and movements known only to those who were aware.

The Emperor, while silently reading a report that the rumours about the demon realm were rapidly spreading, called for his Prime Minister.

"Do you know what the Duke's weakness is?"

"The Duke has a weakness? I thought it would be difficult to find, as he is someone who hides his weaknesses well. How did you manage to find it?"

"He probably doesn't even know he has such a weakness. The fact that I know about this weakness will likely remain unknown to him for a lifetime."

Because it was that kind of weakness.

A cold, mocking smile appeared on the Emperor's face.

"Of course, even if he knew, he wouldn't be able to fix it. How can you fix 'arrogance.'"

"Arrogance, Your Majesty?"

"He thinks he's the smartest and looks down on everyone from above. He doesn't even consider that someone might be looking down on him."

Didn't the Emperor ever consider the possibility that the Duke might side with the demon realm? Was he too naïve to survive in his position?

Ridiculous. He just knew it, even though he pretended not to. The Duke would come forward like a caring parent if I pretended not to know.

"Thanks to that, I was able to save on personnel that were already insufficient."

"You are truly bold. Entrusting such an important matter as the fate of the empire to an internal enemy."

"The fate of the empire is at stake, so I entrusted it to him. The Duke doesn't covet this position. He won't let the empire fall."

Although the Duke seems to treat me like a child, arrogant or not, he used me. That's enough.

Ignoring my puzzled look, the Emperor flipped the report and continued.

"Someday, he'll stumble because of that arrogance. I'm curious to see what the Duke's expression will be like when that happens."

Became an honorary viscount!

I expected the nobility to react strongly, but surprisingly, I found that Cruel had become an honorary viscount.

Well, it's enough to complain a bit and end it. In fact, there were many things that the noble faction wanted to argue, but the Duke, who was the leader of the noble faction, shut his mouth and accepted it. If it were in the early stages, things might have been different, but after organizing the document system, he fully accepted it. Did the Emperor and the Duke secretly trade or something?

Well, that's not important. More importantly...

"I... really came back to life..."

"Why do you say such scary things?"

Remembre put down the glass on the table and stared at me intently.

But isn't it amazing? Going into a secret base of some organization, being revived, even in a state where my identity was revealed. When I was blindfolded, I thought they would take me to some inconspicuous place and neatly dispose of me, so I was genuinely surprised when they sent me back to the streets unharmed.

Unable to explain the chaotic last night, I just rolled my eyes and picked up the glass.


"Oh my. Are you okay?"

I'm Not That Kind of Talent [Light Novel ENGLISH]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora