152. Cruel Truth, Cruel Fate (5)

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152. Cruel Truth, Cruel Fate (5)

Why is this kid's language so harsh?

Is this the aftermath of the war? It feels like there are more and harsher curses here than I've heard from birth until now....

With a pale face, Dan hesitantly stepped back.

"....Are you okay by yourself? You seem to have fallen behind, and you're also vomiting blood...."

"Do I have to say it twice? I'll really kill..."

"Ah, I got it. I'll leave for real."

But his feet don't easily move away.

How long can such a young child withstand in this war?

A small and fragile body, even an attitude that seems to have suffered a lot. All of this bothered Dan for some reason, so in the end, Dan couldn't take a few steps forward and turned around, asking the boy who was glaring at him as if on guard.

"Is... vomiting blood an injury or an illness?"

"You really...!"

"If it's an illness, I recommend hiding it."


"Are you a regular soldier? Among regular soldiers, even the most harmless ones are targeted first."

During the march, he had witnessed a battle in a valley from the mountaintop.

"It's better to hide it by swallowing blood, stuffing cloth into your mouth, or whatever means necessary."


The sound of someone coming down the stairs of the mansion is heard.

Remember, who was standing in the central hall, looked up and saw Deon followed by Dan. As always, in a relaxed atmosphere that seemed organized, the old man's playful voice flowed leisurely.

"Are you leaving?"


"I was going to teach you a little about the administration, but you're taking away talent like this. I'm getting old, where should I find my successor?"

Deon chuckled at the old man's playful attitude, which he noticed meant that Dan was being taken away. It was a dry chuckle.

"What were you teaching until now, then?"

"I delegated the superficial document processing, like a glorified assistant. At first, it was handling fake documents to distinguish spies from non-spies."

"....Then, what did Dan change about the document system?"

"Just by handling fake documents, you can understand how the document system works to some extent, right? In that sense, Dan was an excellent candidate for a butler."

"...I'm asking again, but what is Remember's true identity?"

"He is the butler of Viscount Hart."


Deon, who was at a loss for words, paused for a moment and then started walking again.

Remember, who was following him toward the door, spoke to him.

"Aren't you taking the Order of the Lofty Knights with you?"

"It's easy to get caught in large-scale movements. Moreover, those guys won't move quietly even if they're about to die...."

"That's true."

"In that case, what about Lady Lianne?"

Aren't you taking her with you?

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