143. Plaudite (2)

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143. Plaudite (2)

About an hour ago, Cruel inspected his sword.

As if determined, he not only checked the sword but also carried several daggers on his thighs and drew them out several times, catching the attention of Senjer, who had been quietly observing his actions from a corner. Quietly, Senjer opened his mouth.

"Are you ready?"


"I'll follow."


Clang. After finishing his preparations, Cruel turned to him with an expressionless face. His retainer, who had always been there but seemed absent at the same time, was looking at him.

How long had it been since they met? Considering that they had been together even before entering the Duke's service, it was definitely not a short time.

A retainer he trusted enough to leave things to, even though he couldn't express it outwardly.

Thanks to him, Cruel learned one thing.



"Since when did you stop calling me 'master'?"

The measure of betrayal didn't depend on the time spent together.

He thought about it. How did the Duke get the note? As soon as he widened his perspective a bit, the answer came quickly.

Cruel closed his eyes tightly. His eyelids trembled as if his eyes were wandering under them.

"When exactly."

The answer seemed more pathetic compared to the price of the truth being revealed.

"Since I became the Duke's eyes?"

He swallowed the bitterness that he couldn't express.

There was no one else who knew about the note's existence and the route to intercept it. When Cruel did something, Senjer always watched from behind.

Even though they hadn't been together for 24 hours, just like when Cruel participated in the hunting competition to save Deon Hart and reported it to the Duke without having to follow him, Senjer would have noticed Cruel's request. So he probably reported it this time too.

"...Is that important?"

Senjer raised his gaze, which had been lowered for a moment, to meet Cruel's eyes. His confident gaze, which could make anyone speechless, met Cruel's gaze head-on.


His gaze, which seemed to reveal when he wavered, calmly subsided.

Now was not the time to waste time on something irreversible. Cruel skillfully shifted his gaze away.

"I won't allow you to follow."

"But I..."

He understood. He must monitor me under the Duke's orders.

But should I really consider that?

"I'm not well enough to have a traitor by my side while dealing with important matters."

"...Is it necessary to follow me and monitor me when I could just be killed if I fail? There may be others monitoring me secretly besides you."


As soon as suspicious signs appeared, the monitors would move.

Senjer nodded obediently and stepped back.

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