144. Plaudite (3)

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144. Plaudite (3)

[Second Lord Kongja... His health is very weak. He's extremely vulnerable to stress. It would be best to create an environment where he doesn't experience stress as much as possible.]

[The child vomited blood... Does that mean he vomited blood from stress?]

[Yes... That's correct.]


[...Did you hear that, Cruel? Our second son has been causing people's hearts to race since he was born, and it seems he'll continue to do so in the future. Although he looks unique, he's undoubtedly our child, your brother. Since you'll likely live longer than us old folks, please take good care of him as his older brother.]

[Yes, Father.]

[That's right. The child is sensitive, so don't overly dote on him and make him feel useless. It's better to maintain some distance and take care of him subtly without him realizing it.]

[Brother, I want to go outside the mansion.]


[I'm just kidding. I don't even have time to go outside because of reading books. What's in your hand anyway? It says 'Chess'... Is it the 'Chess' from the 'Basic Chess Rules' I read last time?]

[Yes, I thought it would be good for you to have it.]

[Oh, of course. It's great to have you. Just reading books was boring, so this is... Oh, I see.]


[....Brother, how's your swordsmanship these days? Are you improving? When I peeked out the window last time, it was no joke, so show me properly sometime.]

Well, yes.

How can I kill this child?

It's easy to deduce from a few facts that the child is in charge of the 0th Legion in the Demon Realm. They must have arranged things quite nicely, even creating a position as the commander of the 0th Legion, so life and treatment there must have been decent. The reason for coming all the way here was probably for that.

In a world full of threats like the human world, it's better to live a safe and peaceful life in the Demon Realm.

The dagger stuck in my right arm feels warm.

Because it was such a clear action for the sake of the child, this time even Deon showed signs of hesitation. As a remarkable child, he was already rolling his head, so I reached out to cover his eyes to stop him from thinking.

"Don't think about it."


"As always, rationalize and ignore."

Perhaps because the content was the same, the mouth that spoke was bitter.

The attention kept for protection soon found out about other things. Whether it's due to the aftermath of the war or because the child only remembers what he wants to remember.

It was a poignant feeling when I realized that another personality that remembers everything only comes out when necessary. I felt truly sorry and sympathetic. How much must he have suffered to make such an extreme choice.

It was probably a choice made to protect a body vulnerable to stress.


Just blame me.

Don't question it and just think it feels refreshing.

I continued to speak, repelling and exposing those who attacked openly. Still covering the child's eyes, some minor injuries were inevitable.

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