151. Cruel Truth, Cruel Fate (4)

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151. Cruel Truth, Cruel Fate (4)

The snow fell relentlessly, showing no signs of stopping.

Deon Hart, pushing through the snow without even considering adjusting his hood after stumbling backward in the fierce snowfall, arrived at his mansion. He stood before the noisy gate, where the gatekeeper spotted him from afar and stopped in surprise.

"My Lord, have you returned...?!" The gatekeeper's words trailed off.

Deon Hart's knees gave way, collapsing as if his strength had deserted him. It wasn't a deliberate action towards anyone; it was simply his body giving in to the situation due to exhaustion.

Even though they knew the reason, the shock was inevitable. As one of the startled gatekeepers rushed to approach him, Remember, whose presence was unknown until then, walked past him and approached Deon.

"My Lord."

Unable to look directly at his master, Remember, who knelt down just like usual due to his advanced age, spoke in his usual mature voice.

Though it was an ordinary voice, it made him unnecessarily tense.

"Can you hear me? Please get up. It's cold out here."


"Yes, I will escort you to the mansion, please forgive the rudeness."

Remember, who reached out to support him, hesitated for a moment at the palpable heat emanating from him.

Just for a moment, he attempted to support him, but his attempt was thwarted by the actions of his master, who clung to him as if hanging on for dear life.


The white hand gripping the butler's shoulder trembled tenderly. The trembling that started from the hand gradually grew, causing his entire body to shiver.

Like a desperate plea from a child with no one else to rely on but the sole adult.

"Remember, Remember...."

"Yes, my Lord."

"...I, I...!"

A suppressed cry, whether a scream or a sob, came out laboriously.

Having already lost his mind while dealing with a flurry of activities in the demon castle, he thought there was nothing more to break. Apparently, he was wrong.

Ironically, he only truly realized it now.

'I killed my family.'

He killed innocent family members and made them die.

Whether it was due to guilt or overwhelming emotions, his vision began to blur. Along with it, the direction of his thoughts veered wildly.

Now he understood why he had asked the Emperor 'why' back then. He had hoped for an excuse.

It wasn't just a petty sense of betrayal. Where could you find a fool who trusted the monarch who should have been trusted by everyone? At least not Deon.


'If I had been manipulated by someone's intention from the beginning.'

The Emperor's affirmation was an affirmation of the Duke's actions revealed by the demon's actions.

In other words, it was an affirmation of manipulating and thoroughly using him from the beginning.

'I'm becoming too miserable.'

By chance, the situation coincided with his exploitation, and intentionally creating and exploiting the situation from the beginning were different.

Among the numerous 'exploitations,' participating in the war eight years ago was not a calculated situation, but a decision he made, thinking it wasn't a situation calculated by someone else.

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