145. Plaudite (4)

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145. Plaudite (4)

In the end, he couldn't retrieve the poison from his mother.

He shouldn't have given it to her in the first place. Even if he were to go back now, he would end up giving it to her, as he had never defeated his mother before.

Daniel hurriedly headed to the meeting place, pulling his scarf up to cover his face, which was gradually becoming dark. Everywhere he went, traces of cunningness followed him like a shadow.

"You've arrived. Are all the personnel you brought with you here?"


"There seem to be fewer than expected..."

"Since the Duke said he would support us with his forces, I thought this would be enough. Still, it's almost half of our total personnel, so we can't say it's too little."

Daniel chuckled.

As the man scrutinized his face, Daniel slowly organized his thoughts while following behind the man who walked ahead after giving the command.

Just as the Duke had promised to provide various information, such as the time the Emperor was in the palace, the guard rotation times, and the shortest route to the Emperor's chambers, he also planned the mission in exchange for providing troops.

"The third group will follow that person from here."

"Yes. See you later."

"It's finally starting for real. It feels refreshing."

Although they had delayed it for a while, things were progressing smoothly.

While the plan seemed plausible, and they couldn't fully trust the Duke's forces, and since they couldn't completely rely on him for any mission, the revolutionary army decided to split their forces and move with the Duke's.

"The second group will..."

"Let's meet again after we finish our work."

Initially, Daniel didn't pay much attention to the plan.

Agreeing to the plan execution with minimal knowledge, he found himself silently walking with a small group.

His steps halted when they were surrounded by the Duke's forces.


As the revolutionary army's steps were blocked, they all drew their weapons. Sensing danger, the revolutionary army also armed themselves. Despite their swift actions, their eyes couldn't hide their confusion, and they were shaking uncontrollably.

"What is this happening now?!"

"What are you doing, you fools! Now is not the time for this!"

Some of the revolutionary leaders who had followed Daniel couldn't suppress their anxiety and raised their voices. Watching the pathetic sight without a word, Daniel slowly opened his mouth.

"... Is this betrayal?"

[It was a trap from the beginning.]

The answer came from the communicator of the person standing at the front.

After furrowing his brows at the familiar voice, Daniel spat out the opponent's name as if whispering.

"... Duke."

"What is this!"

"Is that really the Duke?"

[... I would like to have a quiet conversation with Daniel, but there seems to be a lot of interference. It's better to clean up the surroundings first.]

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