114. They Actually Knew (8)

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114. They Actually Knew (8)

Was that statement sincere advice or a lure to guide my actions?

Cruel probably knows well that I won't simply follow his words. If that's the case, is it also a kind of manipulation?

"When I was young, I used to play chess with Cruel often."

Since my health was fragile, preventing me from going outside the mansion, I played various board games with Cruel. Among them, chess was the favourite.

Inside the game board, using chess pieces as bait, and outside the board, using moves as psychological warfare.

"If it were me, I wouldn't go in that direction," "Is that really the best choice?" "I was surprised by this one," "It's an excellent choice."

Which is sincere, and which is false? The words in front of me, is it a genuine lure or just empty words?

Having played countless games of chess, our thoughts were somewhat familiar. Cruel must not have thought that I wouldn't consider the possibility of being "guided." So, is the advice genuine?

"...Then what? Worrying feels bad, and even if it's a lure, it doesn't feel good either."

So, my choice is clear.

"Following Cruel's advice feels worse than being a lure, but moving is better than doing nothing."

Thanks to that, I forgot my fatigue. It's been a long time since I ignored pain, so I headed out to the streets.

Putting on the robe I had been holding, I boldly changed my steps from heading towards the mansion to the nearby streets.

It's noisy.

"How long do you plan to postpone the uprising!"

"Do you even plan to rebel?"

Really noisy.

People engrossed in desire, chattering away without seeing a step ahead. The fact that such people are part of the leadership is headache-inducing, and Daniel frowned, momentarily wondering when it became like this.

Rising against the situation and raising their voices wouldn't lead to anything other than an emotional dispute. A voice aimed at persuasion calmly flowed into the scene.

"Now is not the right time. It seems like a war between the Demon Realm and the Human Realm is about to break out, and if we destroy the Empire, the largest power in the human realm..."

"Are you, the leader of the revolutionary army, taking the emperor's side now?"

"Soon. It will be soon. When I tell you to prepare to strike the emperor's neck, now you say the timing isn't right...! What on earth! Are you intentionally delaying the uprising?"


Silence ensued. Having forcefully struck the table to shut their mouths, Daniel, with his head bowed, took a slow breath as if calming himself down.

The stress and irritation that had been skyrocketing to the top of his head slowly subsided with each breath. After taking a few breaths, he broke the silence.

"...There were those who rashly attempted to kill the emperor before."

Foolish individuals who rushed forward like mice were cleanly disposed of by the emperor.

"Because of them, the forces we painstakingly replenished returned to square one."


"It's not just a problem with the Imperial Army. The emperor himself is strong. Very strong! No, before discussing his military strength, we need to enter through the main gate of the palace to succeed in the revolution!"

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