153. Traitor of Humanity, Deon Hart (1)

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153. Traitor of Humanity, Deon Hart (1)

He obtained command authority from the Demon King.

He even volunteered for paperwork.

Perhaps because only satisfactory things had happened recently, the Demon King gladly accepted the position.

[Since you brought this human yourself, they must be useful in some way.]

Permission granted, so be it. Whether it was material or spiritual— he brushed off the muttering that followed.

He also asked for an investigation into the duke. Knowing the circumstances, the Demon King personally conducted the investigation.

And I.

"If the commander is seen as a joke, it won't lead to proper command and control."

Before, if there were problems, I could just switch over to the human world, thinking I had the luxury, but now, I have no second choice.

So, I thought.

"Don't let it appear as a joke."

If it appears as a joke, it's a death sentence.

The demons consider my physical durability and combat power separately. There were indeed such demons, making it easier to accept, despite showing weak aspects like fainting.

But now that I've completely turned to the Demon King's side and engaged in combat, if I have to face combat every day, what will they think?

"Demons may be a bit slow, but they're not fools."

They will probably figure it out. That Deon Hart's combat power is not as strong as they thought.

Once this fact is revealed, the rest is predictable.

I will fall beneath the ranks of the demons, and the position of commander I barely obtained will become a scarecrow. It's obvious that the demons under the fallen "human" will show no mercy.

The reason I could stay at the top of the demons until now was because I was acknowledged as strong before the Demon King's protection.

"So, keep the battles to a minimum."

Rather than dragging out battles like before, make them short. Not only do I need to lead the atmosphere in this direction by being as cruel as possible, but I also need to instill fear in my allies.

So they won't analyse me. So they won't even think of foolish ideas.

"Since overwhelming force can't be shown, overwhelming fear must be."

If demons, who establish their ranks by overpowering and being overpowered, see fear, they will naturally think the reason for the fear is 'force'.

"I shouldn't build camaraderie with demons either."

Friendship and fear have opposite properties. Confronted with fear, camaraderie diminishes, and as fear diminishes, it becomes easier to build camaraderie. Moreover, when camaraderie is firmly established, fear can even disappear...

For me, camaraderie with demons is poison.

"Let's build an unapproachable image."

Fortunately, my image before was not easily approachable, so there's no problem.

"I used to be misunderstood and mistaken unintentionally."

Now it's my turn to intend.

Doing things as before is not enough. Not only avoiding being ignored but also building more walls than before. All these actions are aimed at making sure no one doubts my strength.

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