135. Tightrope Walking (9)

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135. Tightrope Walking (9)

The emperor, who looked at me with suppressed shock, as if it were a groan, leaped down from the horse, scanning the remaining monsters before lightly slashing from left to right with his sword. Simultaneously, the two upper and lower halves were separated.

"Someone almost died...."

Once again, the emperor's skill was felt keenly.

The rest was a matter of moments. In the silent forest, he swung his sword lightly to rid the monsters of their bodily fluids and neatly sheathed his sword before turning to me.

"...Considering how difficult it seems for you to move..."

"...Ah, for the glory of the empire...!"

"It seems not. It was poison."

I hurriedly began to greet him, but then I collapsed, my body giving out. He effortlessly picked me up as if I were weightless.

...Since he's supporting my arm, I guess I should consider it some form of support? But why do I feel so embarrassed?

With all my weight hanging on his one hand, he, without saying a word, looked me over and casually spoke.

"This is the first time we've faced each other like this, isn't it, Commander of the 0th Legion?"


"It seems you confused the communication device with the magic stone. Both are magical stones, so it's understandable, but you should be more careful next time. A spy won't be of much use with such carelessness."

The magic stone was on the left...!

It feels like all the blood in my body is draining away. The world, which had just barely regained its colour, turned white again. My face must be paler than anything in the world right now.

Something hot surged within me, without restraint, as if stress had reached its limit.

"Ugh...! Cough!"

"Whether this is an injury or a curse...."

He gently set me down as he saw the red liquid dripping from my chin.

With eyes that seemed to be contemplating something unknowable, the emperor soon opened his mouth as if he had noticed something strange.

"Your focus seems off."

"Ah... this is...."

"Forget the excuses and just answer this. Is it a temporary condition or a permanent injury?"

"It's a temporary condition."

"That's a relief..."


His voice was slightly slower, nothing out of the ordinary, but I had to make an effort not to show the flood of terror like a tidal wave.

'I almost... died.'

The atmosphere just before was like evaluating the usefulness of an object, not dealing with a person.

If I had answered that it was a permanent injury, I would surely have died here. If I lose my eyes, my usefulness as a spy will plummet, and my combat abilities will almost be lost. The emperor isn't the type to keep a broken sword just for its sharpness. The demon king is probably the same.

Trying to calm my pounding heart, I quietly regulated my breathing, and then a package was suddenly thrown next to me.

"It's clean clothes. It seems like you went out secretly, but if you return like that, won't it cause a commotion?"

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