Other hand... Some unknown no send tae a pic and a location current location.. When he saw the pic he got shock.. It was kook and eunwoo hugging each other.. When he noticed the clothes that clothes were same as today kook wore.. So he hurriedly take car keys... Went in running process he crash into jack...

Jack :- boss what happened... Jack saw taes eyes.. Some unknown fear he had in them... Tae tell me what happened.. This time jack got personal he knows tae will not say if he not get in that zone...

Tae :- kook went to meet eunwoo... He is back hyung.. I have to save kook..

Jack was shocked but he said..

Jack :- I am also coming let's go

They went and reached at the cafe... But when they reach what they saw make tae loses his everything.. Kook was hugging eunwoo.. And eunwoo is kissing his cheek.. When he saw tae's reflection in glass he pretend to kiss kook.. And that's all tae ran away from there but jack he knows he can't lose so he informed someone to chase eunwoo secretly and went behind tae...

Tae directly went towards his secret bar..where he only went he want to have secret talk with his people.... He can't bear his bun is cheating on him.. Meeting his ex boyfriend or boyfriend he don't know yet... He can't hold back and started to cry... Cry his heart out... He can't express what he was actually feeling.... He don't wanna live it's only feeling he have right now.. He tolerate whole 3 years his bun's distance.. Ignorance , hurtful words, hate, or what not.. He face everything but he don't know why he is the one who is getting hurt this much... Loving someone giving them promises is a sin? He can't process.. He need to feel ease...he get up and went from there he straightly went inside a bar which was his friend.. He started to drink one glass, two glass.. He didn't know when he drank whole bottle, two bottles.. No he drank almost 4 bottles.. He was only mumbling one thing...

Tae :- in drunken voice.. It's getting heavy.. I can't.. I can't...

Other hand jack...He was finding tae like manic..firstly he didn't get anything where will tae go but now he have to informed nam and jun about it..when jack informed them they got scared cuz they know eunwoo is upto something but now they have to find tae... Eventually elder couple went for business trip and they are coming after two days but when they got this they are coming back...after they cut the call and jack got call from tae...

Jack :- tae where are you... Are you fine..

?? :- sir i am maneger in xxx club please come here this person is highly drunk...

Jack :- i am coming... And he cut the call...

Now jack goes towards club he went there he got shock tae was literally not in good shape.. Nobody can imagine the mafia king is this much broken... He went near tae ...

Jack :- tae let's go...

Tae :- drunken state.. I will not it's hurt hyungie.. It hurt... He broke me hyungie he broke me... And he started to crying silently.. And in middle he is mumbling something chuckling..

Jack get to know it's not worth it to let tae go kim mansion.. But at the same time he have to informed elders... So he take tae in his home and informed elders.. Elders told yoongi about tae is not coming home....

Jack :- tae let's go..

Tae :- i don't wanna go.. It's paining.. And he passed out...

Jack take tae to his house...

Other hand....

Nam :- we are coming at early morning yoon..

Yoon :- okay appa you done with the work..

Nam :- yes we are... And haa tae is not coming home today.. And his phone us dead...

Yoon :- but why he didn't call us.. Dad you are hiding something us..

Nam :- no no. Baby it's just Jack informed me they are may be going for some mission don't worry.. Informed bun about this to....

Yoon :- okay...

At present in kim mansion...

Yoon :- bunny tae is not coming today.. He have some work...

Kook :- okay..

And all went to sleep...

Kook pov :- i don't know when he hugged me.. Kiss my cheek I felt I don't what it.. In this months tae never hug me only in sleep but when day time he never touch me not even unintentionally.. But what eunwoo showed me is that true.. Cuz today tae is not coming like eunwoo said he is planning... No Hyungie can't do that he loves them...he called his father mother but no one answering his calls then he called Namjoon he said they are Departuring from airport and will meet him at home....

Kook got happy he thought to tell his dad about what eunwoo told him... He slept while thinking about what eunwoo said to him....

At jack home....

Tae passed out , jack lead him towards his bed he change tae's clothes and went to called Namjoon..Namjoon connect the call with his private tv cuz they everyone wants to see tae... Sohee and jun they can't even make eye contact with both jin and Namjoon...

Sohee :- jack please show us where is bear..

Jack sigh heavily and took a camera close to taw they saw tae is crying in sleep and just mumbling it's hurting.. Sohee and jin started to cry they can't ... Nam got emotional but jun he don't know is he did right or wrong cuz tae didn't deserve this...

They talk with jack and jack told them everything.. About eunwoo smirk after seeing tae... Jack got suspicious and he promise elders that he will find what is actually happening with them just give him time only tonight.. And he cut the call...

When he look towards tae.. He also got emotional.. Last 3 years only jack knows how tae is suffering.. He is just praying to God give the love tae deserve...

Let's see what will happened when jack will know about the eunwoo's plan.. Will tae composed himself in front of all Or he will do some stupidity... Let's see

i want to be yours Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora