I fell and pulled her on my lap, not even caring that he ran. Not caring about a single thing in this cursed universe but the woman in my arms. A knife was dug into her back, right in her heart.

'RAIN!!! BABY!! NO RAIN!! Stay with me!!!' 

I wheezed through the sobs and the pain. I felt my own heart dying with each breath she took, knowing these are her last. These short, shallow, stuggling breaths. 

'Please, please, I'm begging you baby, don't go. Don't leave me alone. We haven't had any time.' 

No matter how much I kiss her face and touch her, her glistening eyes are turning glassy as she's fighting to keep them open, not looking away from me.

Her blood stained lips are moving, but the only thing coming out of them is blood. And no matter how much I press into her wound, it won't save her. I can't save her. 

Wanting to feel her touch one more time, I took her hand in my shaky, bloody one, pressing it desperately on my face. 

I know she's fighting it, but she's fading away before my eyes. She's dying in my arms, and there is not a thing that I can do to save her. 

This is all my fault. 

She is dying because I was incapable of keeping her safe. Because I was too late. Because I couldn't do a single thing right by her.

I'm dying right here with her. She has gone completely limp in my arms, her body giving up on her as her eyes close. Kissing her forehead, wanting her to feel it one last time, I whispered her all the promises.

'It's okay. It's going to be okay. I'll be right there with you. I'm coming with you, baby. I won't leave you. Not ever. I love you. I love you.'

I listened to her take her last breath, and I still couldn't accept it. 

'No... Rain. Open your eyes. Come on, baby. Open your eyes. Look at me... Please look at me...' I whimpered and whimpered, my words sounding more like squeals than words

I screamed all the pain out, pressing her into my chest and rocking back and forth. My hands soaked in her blood as it kept pouring out of her cut. And even if I know she can't feel any pain anymore, even if I know that she can't hear a single sound, I couldn't stop.

'Come back to me... Baby come back!' I weeped, nearly choking on my own words

'We haven't had any time. I need more time. I want more time with you... We haven't had any time...'

I will never get to hold her in my arms and hear her laugh. I will never get to wake up with her in my arms. I will never get to watch her sleep. 

But right now, she's asleep in my arms. The only difference is that she is never going to wake up again. She is never going to open her eyes and smile at me. She will never get to tell me she loves me. 

She will never again... be. But neither will I.

I have kept her waiting long enough. Every second without her is excruciating pain and suffering. It's time to keep at least one promise I made her. It's time for me to go with her.

I took my earpiece, giving my last words to the guys. 

'Is anyone there?' I mutter


'Jimin where is Rain? Did you find her?'

All I could do was look down at my lap, looking at the woman in my arms that just took me with her, leaving behind nothing but this empty shell that is supposed to be my body. I was looking at my entire universe fading with every breath I decided were my last. And I knew that these words would my last, too.

'Guys. Thank you. Good luck. Goodbye.'

I took the earpiece out, cutting off their yelling that I didn't need to hear, throwing it to the side.

Pulling her head to lay in the crook of my neck as she always loved to do, I placed a few kisses on her hair, stroking it one last time.  

'I'm sorry to keep you waiting, my one and only. I'm coming to you. I'll be there any moment to love you for eternity.'

Whispering my last words into her ear, I took the gun from my holster, not hesitating in the slightest to wrap my hand around it.

She died to a knife. Something she always said belonged to me. So I'll use her gun to take myself to her. I did always tell her that my life is hers to take. 

Pressing my lips to her forehead one last time, I pressed the cold barrel to my temple. 

There is no fear within me. There is no wondering about anything. No confusion. No grief. No feeling at all. There is nothing left for me anymore. This is what I want. To leave this nothingess behind and join my wife. 

I barely even heard the gun cocking, even though I did it myself. Instead, all I heard was my own voice, for one last time before it all went dark.

'Rain. I love you for eternity.'


MERCENARY 2: The Huntdown |BTS JIMIN FF|Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu