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Returning home, the lost memories come to pass.

I was underwater.

Submerged beneath the surface, the first thing I noticed upon opening my eyes was the blurry yet opaque clarity of the liquid around me. It hinted at an ocean's depth, and the initial sensation led me to believe I was drowning—far from any reachable help or rescue. My fight-or-flight instincts kicked in, prompting a swift jerk as my hands scrambled for any surface to grasp.

Surprisingly, finding a hold was effortless. To the side of me, my hands gripped what felt like porcelain material, and with a dazed effort, I lifted my head. A gasp escaped as I coughed, expelling water, while I struggled to take in my surroundings.

My head pounded, and a persistent dizziness enveloped me. The brightness of the place disoriented me further. Questions raced through my mind. Where was I? How did I get here?

I reached over, wiping away remnants of water that obstructed my view. This environment was entirely unfamiliar. Tall, wide ceilings surrounded me, and a large gush of sunlight bathed pristine windows in a warm...

Yellow light.

Wait, yellow? What color was the sun again? The disorientation intensified as I grappled with the elusive memory.

Another surge of dizziness engulfed me as I steadied myself on what felt like the edge of a bathtub. Yes, a bathtub, inside a bathroom, it seems. I thought. Despite the disoriented state I found myself in, I gathered as much strength as I could and slowly emerged from the tub, with droplets of water trailing me as I sought a towel for drying.

 Despite the disoriented state I found myself in, I gathered as much strength as I could and slowly emerged from the tub, with droplets of water trailing me as I sought a towel for drying

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While completing this task, an uneasy weight settled over me, akin to the burden of holding a boulder between my waist and stomach. Panic and worry seized me, prompting a glance downward that elicited a gasp.

My stomach was disproportionately huge!

Frantically, I reached over and pressed my hand against my bare stomach, feeling its slight hardness as my hand cradled the unexpected bump. The realization hit me like a tidal wave—I was pregnant! Questions swirled in my mind. How? What...?

Rushing to find a towel, I located one conveniently laid out on a nearby rack, hastily wrapping it around my body. My movements were almost automatic, as if my body followed a routine I couldn't identify.

Thankfully, a mirror was within a few steps on the marble floors. The bathroom exuded luxury and spaciousness, unlike anything I could recall experiencing. I struggled to compare it to something—perhaps a hotel? Yes, it shared similarities with an opulent vacation hotel, but it also emanated a warmth reminiscent of a family home, adorned with touches of color and personality.

Turning to the mirror, my eyes widened. It was me. Logically, there was no reason for shock; this had always been who I was. However, an unsettling feeling crept over me. Despite the familiar reflection, I couldn't shake the sensation that it wasn't truly... me.

My Starseed Meets Me In A Different WorldWhere stories live. Discover now