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Grant me the aura of womanhood.

"M'lady... are you sure you really should be sneaking out at this current time?"

"Might I add, it becomes quite dangerous for a noble lady roaming about at a late hour such as this? What if you are discovered?"

"Where are we going precisely? As a knight, it's my duty to—."

I slowly turned to Sir Sundri who had continuously been pestering me since we stepped off the estate. I had draped the magical artifact of an invisibility robe over my body, something that I essentially stole from Mr. Ennith's teaching supplies for my night out. I had asked my personal knight, Sir Sundri to accompany me since he was good at keeping secrets as per the many anonymous trips to the Lady Renaissance shop and Countess Ophosa's workhouse over the past few years.

 I had asked my personal knight, Sir Sundri to accompany me since he was good at keeping secrets as per the many anonymous trips to the Lady Renaissance shop and Countess Ophosa's workhouse over the past few years

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That's why I thought of him as trustworthy enough to take as a chaperone to the meeting place the Countess had arranged for me in to meet her connections. He wouldn't be allowed in as the rules stated, which made sense, so I would have him wait somewhere nearby to see what all of this fuss was even about.

I mean meeting at nighttime seemed to be a pretty serious thing not to mention a bit sketchy, but I couldn't help but feel a bit of eagerness. Nothing nearly as thrilling as this happens in my current day-to-day activities in this world, so it was worth a try to see what it was about.

I doubt Countess Safie would go out of her way to put me in harm's way after all we had gone through together making my cosmetic business a success; to put it quite logically, I was far too valuable monetarily to discard so soon into the game.

"Oh hush, Sundri... As far as anyone's eyes can see, I'm invisible." I reminded him. "Besides, we're almost there anyway, so quit asking so many questions, you might be coined a lunatic that loves conversing with themselves on the streets," I warned him. Sir Sundri wore a special medallion that interacted with the wearer of the cape, despite the fact that others could not see me under this robe, he would be able to in the case of an emergency—and only him as per the powers of that necklace tied to the robe itself.

My knight cleared his throat, "My apologies, Lady Lavania... it's just out of character for you to request to leave your home like this without informing anyone." He commented.

"The fewer people know about this, the better. And you know me to be a secretive person, Sundri... the number of things I've already done away from watchful eyes." I reminded him.

"That is true."

I guess he was just being paranoid because it was just him and me. He was solely responsible for my safety and my well-being, probably his biggest challenge thus far since becoming personally attached to me.

Sir Sundri and I continued trudging through the dim and dark alleyways of the streets of Klocsas. The evening night was slightly warm with a whisk of cool air breezing by every few moments, though the apparent and pungent smell of the wastes nearly consumed the atmosphere nearly as much as the circulating fresh draft making me wish that this robe did more than conceal my body and face, but mask the scent of the failing and nonexistent sewer system of this county.

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