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The Vortex of Obsession.

Oggoz was once a powerful mage whose pursuit of arcane knowledge consumed him entirely. Obsessed with mastering the forbidden arts, he delved deeper into realms he could not fathom. In his madness, he unleashed a tornado of chaotic magic, transforming himself into the Shaitan of Obsession, Oggoz dedicated to the mortal flaw of Obsession.

Oggoz wields control over whirlwinds of magic, creating destructive tornadoes that spiral with malevolent enchantments. He can ensnare the minds of mortals, twisting their thoughts into obsessions and insatiable desires, and he takes pleasure in watching the havoc these obsessions bring.

Oggoz's form is ethereal, and his body swirls with an ever-shifting storm of vibrant colors. His eyes glimmer with an intense, almost hypnotic allure. He dons a cloak of mesmerizing patterns, the fabric seemingly moving on its own, reflecting the chaotic nature of his power.

Dark Chronicles: Shaitian Legends and Prophecies

Author: Unknown

"Allow me to further introduce myself, Your Majesties

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"Allow me to further introduce myself, Your Majesties. I am Baron Eliezer Eqouzei of the Clustin Barony as my son had stated previously." The man who I now knew formally as the Baron of Clustin was a man who resembled Zorion greatly, if not for his one eye that was completely concealed by an eye patch that hid the disfigurement.

The Baron pointed to the woman of similar age to him who smiled politely, "This is my wife, Baroness Bernize." He then pointed to the two other younger children beside him; they looked about in their early twenties or so, "My eldest daughter, Zibiah, and the youngest, my son, Pyrrhus." He finished.

Both of them curtsied and bowed accordingly.

So this was Zorion's original family. I thought.

From the story I heard through Lavania—she was far more aware of Zorion's backstory, she was the first to meet him in the first place, a young boy only sixteen years of age nestled somewhere in the slums just looking for an opportunity to get him out of his dire circumstances; he was rather optimistic for a boy who had no family or friends to care for him.

He was able to, with the help of my wife, climb his way out of misery, secure an internship with a renowned builder and architect, and then move onto more solo projects once he was able to stand on his own two feet; it was a pity, his initial idea of the revamped sewer system was stolen for him after he naively gave the plans away, but as the saying goes...

Where a door shuts closed, another awaits to be opened.

It was his time now to shine after his continuous hard work on the hotels and game houses to show off the brilliance of the Ather Railways, a magic system that modernized travel for our country before any other nation had the opportunity to develop such a thing.

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