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A night of passion, a night of dance and disguises.

Cin, Loscye (Apx. 300 years ago) —Tahmina; Age 22

Several weeks had passed since the arrival of Lord Ezer, Lord Jahiris, and their entourage in Loscye. Despite Ezer's earlier visit to my bedroom, where he expressed a desire to know me better, our paths hadn't crossed since. It wasn't his fault, though. As a candidate and underling in the Pagoda of Loarus, my duties demanded unwavering focus, leaving me rarely seen around Thovine Estate during mornings and afternoons. I relied on the tales recounted by my play-cousins to stay informed about the happenings involving our new guests.

A part of me yearned to serendipitously encounter him during my strolls around the residence, but the grandeur of the grounds made such spontaneous meetings impractical. Guests typically lodged on the other side of the estate, necessitating a considerable detour if I sought a glimpse of him. Yet, such trivial matters held no significance for me to partake in.

I harbored no illusions about holding the young lord's words close to my heart. His expressions of interest were likely mere gestures of comfort following my revelation that my abilities extended only to divinity and not sorcery. Given his prolonged stay, it seemed logical that he would find greater intrigue in women sharing his caliber of magical power.

Resting beside the window in my bedroom, I was engrossed in studying the remaining texts from the herbology book borrowed from the Pagoda's library. I was preparing for an upcoming examination testing our remedy-making abilities. I felt confident in my knowledge of botany and herbology, having gone so far as to curate my own formulations, surpassing the effectiveness of those currently on the market. The high priests and priestesses had taken a liking to my work, setting high expectations for me. That's why I dedicated time to reviewing even the concepts already ingrained in my mind—it never hurt to fortify my understanding further.

 That's why I dedicated time to reviewing even the concepts already ingrained in my mind—it never hurt to fortify my understanding further

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Lost in my studies and work, I remained oblivious to the passing of time. It wasn't until my handmaiden, Leonia, rushed over with wide eyes that I realized I had overstayed. "M'lady, why are you not on your way to the Pagoda?" She exclaimed.

"Hm?" I looked up from my book. "It's still a bit early, isn't it?" I inquired.

Leonia shook her head and pulled out a pocket watch, revealing that the time had far surpassed what I had anticipated when I decided to read for a few more minutes. I immediately leaped to my feet. "Oh, great blue moons!" I exclaimed as I rushed to get ready. Leonia followed closely, reaching for attire suitable for my outing, working diligently to clean me up in the process.

She adorned me in one of my favorite dresses—an ivory-colored silk garment that trailed down to my ankles. Strapless but tied around my neck, it featured a small golden belt with an iridescent jewel in the middle of the buckle.

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