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The greatest of sword wielders wins the wreath of promise.

Dearest Lady Lavania,

I am deeply saddened by your parent's unwillingness to allow us to meet and swordplay together as friends. Despite the request for my presence to disperse from the Skellace Estate, I will try my absolute best to meet you in secret when I can continue to practice the skill of swordsmanship with you. I believe you have the capacity to become a greater fighter than you currently are and would hate to see to fall wayward due to the bad history between our families.

I still wish to see you visit my family's manor in the coming weeks. I'd love to show you around my home and many of my favorite spots that I enjoy playing in.

Maybe even meeting my siblings if they are willing to grace your presence.

There are still many things my family is unable to do in this society due to the stigma against us. But again, it truly brings me great happiness to know you believe in us and are on our side despite what many have said against us.

I hope to see you at this year's Penan knight competition. Many of the commoner knights that have trained under the Da Brenci name have entered and it fills me with anticipation to see which of the chosen ones will win a wreath!

Yours truly,

Lady Soril Da Brenci

Penan. This was the name of this world's knight competition. It was a holiday celebrated just shy of the beginning of the new year coming soon in the spring in a month or so. Since we were currently in summer, festivals such as this happened in Boal, the thirteenth month of this year in the yearly cycle.

This holiday was associated with the idea of fighting and love. It also correlated with fires, the color violet, and the gifting of rubies to loved ones. Of course, the latter was reserved for individuals who could afford to purchase expensive gems like that, to begin with.

Penan, religious-wise was also a day that was mostly known as a way to pay respects to the divine Gods Narisa and Ironmark. Narisa, who appeared as a human young woman was featured to have white-blonde hair, pale blue skin, and green eyes. She was the goddess of time and romantic gestures. Right beside that Ironmark, depicted as a growing young man who had light hair, bronzed brown skin, and glowing blue eyes was famous for being enthusiastic, forgiving, and friendly; the god of destruction, demons, and righteous fighting.

Regardless this was a time when choosing knights and personal guards commenced, a dueling competition that lasted eleven days from dusk till dawn as weaker fighters were booted out left and right round after round. It only became a big deal in the final three days when nobles would come and watch the spectacle with eyes on promising fighters to add to their noble house collections.

Three winners of the tournament at the end were granted the gift of the wreath of promise. I've never seen the wreath but nanny stated it was made of flowers and tumbled down upon the head as Goddess Narisa mostly wore flowers overhead as so. The winning knights would gift these wreaths to ladies of noble houses which they either found alluring as a polite way of asking their household to become their official knight and or personal guard for their children.

Today was the final day of the tournament. The three winners would be announced and our family thought of it to be a good outing to watch together. Which was why I was currently getting ready with Nanny fixing my hair and Ronis somewhere around my dressing room searching for a suitable dress for me to wear.

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