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A mystery of medicine always follows a path.

"Prince Enos? The second prince?!"

My eyes widened greatly at the mention of Misi's secret "noble" patient that would be the catalyst in propelling her medical career in this strange world we had found ourselves in.

Several weeks ago when I had suggested for her to find a willing candidate, preferably of high society who was sickly enough to agree to a medical procedure that could be demonstrated to the likes of prominent aristocrats, news reports, and physicians-alike, I never in my twelve years on Aikean think that her trump card would be the second prince of Vesneau.

Unbeknownst to me, Misi/Uma had been working with him in the background as it is. Since Misi's father, Dr. Baldr Svanlor was such a high-ranking doctor all thanks to our pharmacy being the first to had them our life-saving medicines including antibiotics, there was no shortage of work that was provided to him, and that included consulting in the royal palace whenever assistance was needed.

Misi, as she always has trailed behind her father awaiting an opportunity to strike her to find someone willing to take her suggestions when she made them and take her on as a private doctor and stumbled upon the second prince on a routine visit.

The prince as she explained, showed great signs of an internal disorder that she may have been familiar with such as great fatigue, pale-yellowish skin, shortness of breath, and slow growth. She was immediately intrigued and took a chance, asking the young prince if he had been treated for what seemed like an incurable chronic disease. The prince, used to the neglect of many around him only had stated to her there was no way of ensuring his health would turn because he was "cursed".

That was when Misi had essentially laughed in his face, not in the way one would make fun of someone, but rather that of complete nonsense that had been uttered by her. As a result, she immediately took the reigns and had him agree to her examining him so she could take a closer look at his symptoms.

They met in secret.

Misi took urine samples, and blood samples, and did a physical check to see what was going on with him. What I didn't know was that the samples she had brought down to me were for him. I simply willingly took and did what I did best when I first started off my lab career and tested it all not knowing who was the patient behind it all. After all, it wouldn't be the first time Uma had brought me patient material to take a look at.

It was no easy feat at first. To test blood and urine products in this world called for certain "machines" to be created such as a hematology analyzer and since we weren't that advanced into the future here where devices such as that were readily available, I had to make do with manually performing a complete blood count. I did this by staining the blood with new methylene blue and counting the percentage of red blood cells containing RNA under the microscope. With that information on hand, I would be able to perform a quantitative analysis of red and white blood cells, along with platelets.

Thankfully since I was such a lab nerd, things like this were a breeze for me to remember as it was a core foundation needed in order to start one's science journey.

I could thank the countless internships I had when I was in my pre-teens for my understanding of doing things without the need for machines so long as I had the chemicals needed in order to make the tests work. I wouldn't lie though, I still preferred the ease and convenience of mechanical machines to do the tedious work for me. But since it was only for a few patients, I gladly set aside my other business work to get it done for Misi. I also taught both Nuray and her father how to test so that in the event I wasn't available they would be fully capable of doing so.

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