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The flower blooms in the eye of a child.

Dear Andrew,

It's been weeks since I've last heard from you. I wonder how you are in the palace all by yourself? I am still in the manor in Bria with my grandparents. I recently began my private lessons with a scholar from Cluzye named Ennith. He's a mage like many people in my current family are.

I also started horseback riding. My grandmother says it is dignified for a lady like to learn. I could care less for it right now. My horse is beautiful though, I don't have a name for her but I know she's a Cluyzian Kelish horse; she's red and has these cool symbol tattoos all over her coat.

Remember when we went on a field trip and I was afraid of falling off so much I clung to the horse's neck? I thought about that a lot when I rode again after all these years.

Anyways, how are you faring these days? I know you always preferred warmer weather so you must be enjoying this more than I currently am. I still like being cold if that's what you're wondering; not much has changed about me since coming into this world.

How is your brother? And your new little sister?

Have you also started your own lessons with an instructor? I'd like to know about what they are teaching a young prince in this kind of world.

Write back to me as soon as you can. You make me anxious when I don't hear from you in a while.



Even after all these years, Melinda's chicken scratch of writing in English was still the same; the mere familiarity of her old handwriting always made me chuckle, but also warmed my heart confirming that my dear friend had most definitely been reincarnated into this world with me. Her inquisitive questioning and her demands for me to write back to her without a moment to pause all spoke to her natural personality that I had become accustomed to my entire life.

I guess I can be thankful for her poor handwriting skills, no one ever suspected she was writing full letters to me, and English was not a language anyone here understood.

I was a little hesitant on my side to think I would be able to write again like I used to, especially with a new physical body. But after a few attempts and adjusting, I was able to force this body to form the letters and sentences I could so easily put together in my mind. It was an odd sensation, but one I quickly got used to in a short period of time after practicing frequently.

With my own lessons now kicked into full gear. I was learning an assortment of things. The language of Vuiyf was the first thing set in my curriculum for me to conquer first; it was non-negotiable, after all, how would it look if the third prince of the country couldn't even write in the nation's language?

In addition to that, my riding lessons also began and although they were keeping my lesson light for my age, they were already beginning me on swordsmanship and even learning an instrument.

Long gone were the days of my free-loading while I got to explore the gardens for secret routes, napping, and hanging with my brother and mother whenever they weren't busy with whatever they were doing. My schedule was completely booked from the moment I arose to the time I fell asleep; today was no different.

I was in the middle of a break from learning the Vesnesian alphabet and forming small sentences together when I received the letter addressed to me from Lavania. Brother was the one to personally hand deliver it. He commonly visited during my lessons to check in on me and see how well I was faring with the change in my daily activities.

My Starseed Meets Me In A Different WorldDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora