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I am the sun in which a new day is dawned.

My sojourn within the Nexus Conduit, preceding our return to an alternate timeline in both Melinda's and my life, marked a moment so extraordinary that its memory would forever be etched in the fabric of my consciousness. The sensations, the visual marvels, and the ethereal ambiance defied articulation; I bore witness to phenomena that transcended the boundaries of understanding, and the prospect of returning left me steeped in awe and unquenchable curiosity.

I pondered whether this was but a mere glimpse into the profound nature of existence. Beyond the veneer of artificial hues, the stream of events, the imprints of trauma, and the quintessential human experience lay a realm that eluded the grasp of imagination. It beckoned with a reality so grand, so intricate, that it made our conventional understanding of life, even life after death, appear as mere shadows cast upon the wall of an expansive cosmic cave.

The Nexus unfolded before me in a kaleidoscope of swirling colors, a cosmic galaxy woven with threads of pulsating energy. As I traversed its ethereal expanse, the sensation was akin to being a solitary leaf carried on the gentle currents of an otherworldly breeze. Vast constellations flickered in the cosmic sea, each star a doorway to countless realms and dimensions.

The realm, a convergence of energies, guided my journey with an almost sentient grace. Luminescent trails of stardust marked the paths between realms, inviting me to explore the boundless wonders that awaited. My senses expanded, attuned to the symphony of cosmic frequencies that echoed through the interstellar corridors.

I drifted toward a radiant beacon, a celestial entity whose brilliance surpassed the dazzling constellations that adorned the Nexus

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

I drifted toward a radiant beacon, a celestial entity whose brilliance surpassed the dazzling constellations that adorned the Nexus. The figure emerged from the luminescent haze, a being of radiant light and astrological majesty. His form transcended the limitations of mortal comprehension, embodying the essence of a star.

Immediately I felt in my body that I knew who this was. I had read about him a long while ago.

The Star Forger, Solarius.

"Kiraz," The voice resonated, harmonizing with the cosmic melodies that surrounded us. It was a voice that echoed through the vastness of the Nexus, carrying the weight of creation and the wisdom of eons. "Welcome, my perfect creation."

A profound sense of awe enveloped me, as I gazed upon the divine Architect who claimed both parentage and authorship over my existence. The Nexus, under Solarius's benevolent gaze, seemed to shimmer with newfound vibrancy, as if acknowledging the reunion of a cosmic family.

Solarius stood tall, a commanding figure clad in resplendent armor adorned with intricate patterns reminiscent of solar flares and cosmic constellations. His regal demeanor exuded a commanding presence, demanding respect in the cosmic realm.

Flowing like molten gold, Solarius's hair cascaded down his broad shoulders, reminiscent of the fiery corona surrounding a solar eclipse. With each movement, it radiated a mesmerizing glow, mirroring the unyielding light of the stars he so dutifully forged.

My Starseed Meets Me In A Different Worldحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن