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The reptilian eyes bore a fascination and interest unlike another.

The festival was as eventful as I hoped and thought it to be. The moment we left the Sanctum, the rest of our afternoon was filled with blissful dancing, acrobatic performance, plays, music, and most definitely my favorite of it all, the food.

There were so many people around, the streets of the main city were littered with foot traffic, people from all walks of life gathering at whatever fancied their interest and tastes all throughout the pathways and streets that had been decorated for such an anticipated celebration.

Everyone was excited, I could feel it with the energy in the air, the constant chatter laughs, and screams from children that rumbled in my ear, and even in the sky. The best part outside of the cuisine curated for this event was the hot air balloons of this world. They weren't like the ones on earth; they had the same idea but it seemed as if the material that lifted the balloons into the sky was made of a soft and malleable fabric that resembled that mimicked the folds of a flower petal, or better yet that of a dragonfly's wings. The iridescent nature of the balloons allowed them to sparkle and shine against the rays of the pink sun with ease.

It was magical seeing them up in the sky. Numerous contraptions were lifted into the sky with passengers waving excitably as they looked down at the festival below them in glee.

Cluyzian's used their mana in order to make the balloons float and lift into the sky, so it was very fascinating how magic could technology to places where it wouldn't necessarily be without the aid of the supernatural element to do its bidding

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Cluyzian's used their mana in order to make the balloons float and lift into the sky, so it was very fascinating how magic could technology to places where it wouldn't necessarily be without the aid of the supernatural element to do its bidding.

"Cousin Lavania, come look at this stand's food!" I turned my head at the sound of Jinvia's beckon for me to follow her. I had trailed behind a bit as I had surveyed the scenery a bit with Ronis who was just as marveled by everything Cluyze had to offer as I did.

I scurried over to the food stand that my cousins were ogling at and was instantly hit with a whiff of delicacies that only this continent could offer. There were so many herbs and spices taken into consideration when this food was prepared; it wasn't as if Vesneau didn't have food, in fact, that had great food, but being in a different country where the culture, language, clothing, and more were different, it allotted the opportunity to taste things well out of one's natural element.

I recall cousin Saeya telling me that etheral mages who owned farms and harvested animals dealt with how food production was cultivated here. Because of their high magic affinity for anything earth-related it allowed them to know when and where to plant, how to process food, and even use their mana to aid in preservation magic, meaning the food could last a lot longer than if it were just left to it's own devices.

No refrigeration is required!

It was astounding the things magic could do in this world, though it was limited as everything in life was, it still afforded a great opportunity for various foods to intermix and create new dishes for people to add to their already bustling menus.

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