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To blend the blood and lineages of lives before, a new family erupts.

As we ventured through the grand halls of the palace, Lúnar, and Nüwa, our beloved adopted daughter, walked hand in hand with us. Their vibrant, inquisitive eyes took in the regal splendor of the palace, though a hint of trepidation flickered within them. The grandeur of the palace was a familiar sight, but today was anything but ordinary.

Unbeknownst to us, we were about to encounter a gathering of family members and friends that would turn this simple walk into a moment of profound importance. We approached the gathering, unaware of the discussion that had already begun among those present.

Duchess Chandrelle, Lavania's younger sister, was at the center of the assembly, her typically steadfast demeanor replaced with one that radiated determination. Flanking her were their parents, Grand Duke Titus and Grand Duchess Feris, as well as other family members. The assembly seemed to grow with each step we took. It was a sight that was at once comforting and surprising.

Grandfather Cellach and Grandmother Kleio were also in attendance with Cousin Eithne and his wife Nuray, a couple whose presence was always welcome, standing with our family. Their warmth and camaraderie added to the familial atmosphere, underscoring the significance of this gathering.

Soril's family, the Da Brenci clan, had also come to participate in this impromptu assembly. Grand Duke Hirom and Grand Duchess Dione, joined the group, along with the sisters and brother of our beloved Soril—Duchess Adrasteia and Duchess Abigaia, Marquis Fenrir, and Countess Hypatia. Their presence solidified the importance of the occasion, as they, too, were part of our extended family.

For a moment, I felt a mixture of surprise and a sense of foreboding. The palace had witnessed countless events, from joyous celebrations to grave councils, but there was something about this gathering that felt different. Lavania and I exchanged a brief, unspoken communication through our eyes.

"Chandrelle," Lavania began with her customary grace, "I did not expect to find such a gathering here."

Chandrelle's expression bore the weight of responsibility and unwavering determination. Without the usual pleasantries, she cut straight to the heart of the matter. "Empress Lavania, I believe it's time for us to clarify certain matters."

Lavania's father, Duke Titus, cast a glance between the two women who had become central figures in the family's story. His discomfort was apparent, and the anticipatory silence hung heavily in the air.

We had already discussed with Chandrelle privately through the Commlink that Aunt Thaelia had been informed of the news consisting of Lúnar's true lineage and relation to us. In addition to the fact that we now had two supreme sorcerers and one of them was a never-before-seen hybrid to which no one had an explanation as to what was happening.

It was a lot for her to process. But with the truth of our past lives in the air with the people we trusted, I'm sure she took it upon herself to allow the people who meant much in our lives to be aware in addition to the initial group. I could only guess their knowledge and awareness could help in the future if we ever needed help with anything.

Notably missing from the group was Lehamo and I'm sure that was by design.

He was too much of a talker to be allowed this level of critical and confidential information that could pretty much uproot the way of living and thinking in Aikean.

It was best to leave him be.

Lavania nodded in agreement, understanding her sister's need for clarity. "Very well," She said, "Please, let us proceed. There is much to discuss, the Archmagus is here."

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