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Whispers of Yesterday and Echoes of Tomorrow.

Cin, Loscye (Apx. 300 years ago)—Tahmina; Age 22.

The sun hung high in the cloudless orange sky, casting a warm, salmon-pink glow upon the bustling marketplace of Euphony Plaza in Cin. The vibrant capital city of Loscye came alive with a symphony of colors, fragrances, and lively chatter.

As I strolled through the marketplace with my dearest friends, Inari and Photina, laughter danced between us like a shared secret. Each step carried us deeper into the heart of this bustling haven, a place where we could steal a precious respite from the weight of our responsibilities at the Pagoda of Loarus.

Cin's market was renowned far and wide for its splendor. It sprawled before us like a vivid tapestry, where stalls teemed with the exotic treasures of distant lands. Piles of fresh produce, rich spices, and wares from every corner of the world beckoned to the senses.

The alluring scent of roasted nuts mingled with the fragrant sweetness of ripe fruit. Every stallholder called out in melodious voices, their words a song of bargains and commerce. Colorful fabrics fluttered in the breeze, while the enchanting melodies of street musicians serenaded the crowd.

The city itself was a breathtaking mosaic. Intricate buildings, adorned with ornate facades, nestled among hanging gardens that cascaded from windowsills and adorned balconies. Cin was a realm of hidden courtyards and secret gardens, an oasis where one could pause for a moment of serenity.

 Cin was a realm of hidden courtyards and secret gardens, an oasis where one could pause for a moment of serenity

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Yet, as breathtaking as it all was, I couldn't escape the weight of my enchantments. Beneath my magical veil, my luscious midnight blue tresses transformed into an unremarkable shade of copper, and my beguiling golden eyes were shielded. Even though the disguise worked to some extent, my unique essence occasionally managed to break through the spell.

My fingers brushed against a basket of blushing pink and emerald green apples, each plucked with meticulous care. I judged their ripeness by touch and smell, selecting only those whose flavors would burst into saccharine sweetness when savored.

The vendor, a middle-aged woman with warmth in her gaze, noted my discerning choice with an appreciative smile. "Seeking the finest, are we?" She inquired, her voice as rich as the fruit she sold.

I nodded, my focus still on the apples. "Indeed, I am," I replied with a touch of intrigue.

The vendor leaned in closer, imparting a hidden secret. "You know, I always stash the juiciest ones over here, away from the crowd. Most folks believe the larger ones are better, but the smaller ones hide the true treasures."

This revelation brightened my countenance as I selected the apples indicated. I reached into my pouch to fetch coins for my chosen items. "I'll take these, then," I exclaimed, offering payment for the fruits.

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