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Maybe we have to wait a little longer.

Hanover, New Hampshire; Age 18.

"Drewie! Drewie, my baby! Yoo-hoo! Mommy is here!" I watched with a rather plain expression, as my mother step out of Ms. Jannie's car waving erratically as she shouted at me. A few students and parents in the process of moving their things into the South House, the dorm-central area for first-years that consisted of different buildings like Fayerweathers and Richardson, looked over with mild confusion before going about their own business.

Mellie's dorm was located in Ricardson and today was her official move-in day. I had gotten to Dartmouth a couple of weeks ahead because of football training prior to the season beginning so I had familiarized myself a bit with this place ahead of her arrival.

The team was also assisting students and families with the moving-in process, lending a strong arm or two to move boxes of personal items to the different residence halls. I had been anticipating Mellie's arrival since I first stepped foot here alone; I was happy we got to be together again after being separated for a bit.

"Drewie! Andrew, didn't you hear me calling you?! I'm here!" My mother was the first to appear in front of me with a wide smiling and heavily made-up face. I barely focused on her antics as I watched Melinda slowly exit the passenger seat of the car dressed in shorts, a light tank top, and a crocheted unbuttoned sweater. It was still a bit hot outside but the car probably was blasting air conditioning which was why cold to begin with.

"Stacey! Quit all that yelling, yah think Andrew nuh here you from all dey way here?" Ms. Jannie called out as she too got out of the car, clutching her keys in her hand.

"I know, Jan! I'm just excited to see my boy!" She called back out. She turned back to me and forcefully wrapped her arms around me. I stiffened under her touch. I never got used to her getting affectionate with me. She only seemed to do so the older I got and the more reliable I became to her.

 She only seemed to do so the older I got and the more reliable I became to her

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I patted her awkwardly on the back.

"Hey, mom," I replied simply.

She pulled away from me shortly, her gray eyes seemingly sad at my lackluster response, "You don't even sound a bit excited to see me." She commented.

I frowned.

I didn't. If she really cared about seeing me, she would've come down with me like Uncle Ed did to drop me off the first time; she was only here now most likely because Ms. Jannie dragged her forgetful ass with her to campus.

"Danny come out the car, and close yuh game we have to move stuff in!" Ms. Jannie called out to my brother who had remained seated in the back playing on his PSP. I could see him from the window, jolting as if he forgot where he was, and hurriedly exited the car, slipping the device into his back pocket.

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