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Tangled Desires and Fading Fortunes.

As I stood outside Logoria Palace, watching the grand Tempest Verge pull into view, I couldn't help but feel a strange mix of emotions. The arrival of the new Tempest Verge was a sight to behold, a testament to Vesneau's innovation, and a masterpiece of engineering and enchantment. It gleamed with all the promises of the future. A motor vehicle, that if any could get their hands on, showed their status and wealth without having to say much.

The Tempest Verge came to a smooth halt at the front of the palace. Its polished steel body seemed to shimmer in the afternoon sunlight. Guards and a palace butler were quick to assist the car's occupant, and I watched as the car's door opened with a flourish, revealing a figure that could only be my father, Duke Giselber Shaxih of Krasta.

My father stepped out of the vehicle, and as he stood there, I couldn't help but notice his striking features. His cherry red hair, a trait I had inherited from him, framed his face in a wild cascade. But it was his eyes that drew attention—unique speckled cyan blue mixed with flamingo pink and light banana-colored eyes, the same hue that I carried. They were a peculiar blend of colors, much like his personality.

I was no stranger to my father's eccentricities and overbearing nature

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I was no stranger to my father's eccentricities and overbearing nature. He had a way of making me feel both insignificant and utterly dependent on his approval. It was a dance we had performed throughout my life, and I had grown accustomed to it. However, recent events have altered the dynamics of our relationship.

A few nights ago, I had experienced something wholly unexpected. An encounter with Lord Simeon, one of Lavania's most esteemed companions, had left me in a state of undeniable vulnerability. I had never felt such a connection, such an intimacy with another person. It was as if he had uncovered a dormant part of my soul, one I never knew existed. The memories of our nights together filled my thoughts, and they gave me a newfound sense of confidence.

This newfound self-assurance was something I hoped would shield me from the domineering nature of my father, who had always expected me to fulfill his every desire. Giselber Shaxih of Krasta was a man who lived by his own rules, indulging in his desires without a care for those around him. His relationships were tumultuous, to say the least.

He had been married to my mother, Duchess Zhanna, once upon a time. Yet, his affair with a stage performer and now my new stepmother, Xylia had sent shockwaves through our family, leading to a divorce that sent my mother into a reclusive depression. My father quickly married Xylia and welcomed her two children, Leni and Corlissa, into our lives.

With my mother gone, I had watched my older sister, Julija, and younger sister, Agnessa, grow up alongside our wicked stepsisters Leni, and Corlissa. Xylia who became a tyrant on her own had finally given my father what he had always wanted after having five daughters, Rurik, the youngest and only boy.

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