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The eclipse and the return of a green home.

My head was throbbing.


It was evident that Kiraz and I had imbibed the Blue Opal elixir to the point of complete intoxication the previous night; why we assumed our new bodies could handle the same quantity we had consumed in our former forms was beyond me. Regardless, I had anticipated waking up with him beside me, as was our routine every morning. Instead, I found myself completely unclothed, save for the silk sheets draped loosely across my body, while Kiraz remained in a deep slumber on the floor near the bed, using pillows as makeshift bedding.

He looked oddly comfortable.

Groaning, I shifted over to where he lay and nudged him gently. "Kiraz," I called, but he continued to snore softly, blissfully unaware of the world. I smirked; he was usually the early riser between us. I tended to indulge in a few extra moments of sleep, often requiring the enticing aroma of fresh coffee to coax me from the embrace of my pillows.

Yet, observing him rest in this manner was strangely endearing. He looked angelic, his soft platinum hair catching the pink rays of the sun, creating a shimmering effect. Andrew was known for his soft expression, sharp facial structure, and doe-like eyes that could make women melt with a mere gaze. Now, with those eyes closed, he appeared serene, as if resting on a bed of ethereal flowers.

Unconsciously, I found myself reaching over from the bed, gently stroking his face without much thought. Within seconds of sensing my touch, his eyes fluttered open. At first, he seemed bewildered about his current resting place, then the realization set in, evident from the wince of pain as he clutched his head.

 At first, he seemed bewildered about his current resting place, then the realization set in, evident from the wince of pain as he clutched his head

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"I think our bodies are catching up with us," He sighed deeply, dropping his head back onto the ground. Short breaths escaped his lips as he tried to make sense of his surroundings.

"You weren't in bed with me, and it got me a little worried for a moment," I confessed.


He turned to me, a hint of an amused smirk playing on his lips. "Is that why you were studying me so intently earlier?" He teased.

I felt a twinge of embarrassment at the realization that he had noticed my scrutiny. Was he pretending to sleep while I touched him? That would be very much in line with his mischievous personality. Andrew loved to tease me; it was his favorite way of connecting with me.

"Am I not allowed to stare at you then?" I retorted.

"Hm?" He tilted his head slightly before letting out a small chuckle. "You can look at me for as long as you want, Mellie. I love being the object of your desires and passions," He replied.

His words made my face feel rather hot but mixed in with the pounding ache in my head, which was a concoction not worth exploring. He reached over, took my idle hand resting on the side of the bed, and kissed it a few times before gently intertwining our fingers.

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