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A prodigy of the young.

My younger sister was born six months after my mother's pregnancy announcement. They granted her the name Chandrelle and she was quite the docile baby.

During that time, I learned something new about this world.    Pregnancies lasted ten to eleven months instead of the usual nine in the previous world.

I also learned that there were thirteen months in this world and thirty-three days corresponding to those months, equalling to four-hundred and twenty-nine days in the year. I learned it all from the books I continuously read when I was left to my own devices.

I was born in the autumn on the 15th day of Diwed on Enas—that was a particular day of the weekday. If I were taking it by number order of the seven days of the week as my old world, I would presume that would have fallen on a Thursday. But I could never be too sure; I couldn't base what I knew about Earth in a completely different world that had different rules and metrics applied to it. In fact, I was using it as a reference point to compare and make sense of the differences.

Speaking of different metrics, there were different values placed in this world such as their ability to read from right to left, and not only that, time was told counterclockwise instead of the standard clockwise like I was used to. With the addition of an extra month and days in this world's foundation, the length of the day also varied to a degree—twenty-six hours to complete a full day, so days were a lot longer and so clocks and calendars also accounted for these additions and it was all normal to the people of Vesneau, or Aikean I should say.

It has always been like this for them.

All across Aikean, they have lived and adapted to their environment as many species have in their own natural habitats.

The youngest of the Plarinu family, my sister Chandrelle was born in the Spring on the 6th day of Gladik on Senos. Presently, she was two years of age as time had passed since then, so I was now about four and a half navigating a lot better than I had been at two myself.

When my mother had given birth, I was worried after the announcement of it being a girl. My old thoughts began resurfacing about the child my father had with the French woman he had settled down for, named Angèle. My inferiority complex had begun flaring even in my 30's mentally, I hadn't been separated from the internal instinct to cower away from the challenge of never being good enough for my father to stick around.

He had loved her more than he ever even thought of me.

So when Chandrelle came around, I thought the same. That my moments of being showered with kisses and praises from my father would now be transferred and reserved from their youngest and newest daughter... but that hadn't happened at all.

Father stayed the same, doting over me, spoiling me with gifts, and taking me for the nightly walks I had eagerly anticipated every evening when he was available. He never changed. He did show Chandrelle the same kind of love, but as a young child, the young lady of the estate clung to her mother as if she would disappear at the slightest of movements. It was common to see her beside mother, trudging behind her with her little steps. When mother was away, the young girl would fold into herself insecurely.

She was odd. But I paid no mind. My goal wasn't necessarily to bond with the members of this family, but instead to continue reading and filling myself with enough knowledge so much I could find my way back to my home. So I could be with my real family and return to the hard work I had broken my back creating over the years.

Lucky for me, not only was my father an extremely wealthy Grand Duke of the country. But his estate was so substantial and featured an expansive library that majorly went unused so much that I found myself getting lost in there for hours until nanny Addel or one of the maids came to fetch me for other activities.

My Starseed Meets Me In A Different WorldTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon