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If we ruled the world.

"Do you think it was selfish of us to refuse aid to the Phavian Theocracy... especially knowing they're vulnerable to attacks?"

Kiraz turned slightly in his seat and arched his eyebrow at my words. My gaze which had been pensively focused on the vast scenery of the Vesnesian mountains in the distance, instinctively turned back to meet his stare.

"Selfish." Andrew scoffed at my words, "In fact, I reckon we weren't harsh enough." He set the Emporium Bulletin he was reading onto his lap and fully veered his body so that his full attention was on me, "We've done more than enough on our end as a country everyone should have had post-war... with three countries at that." He said.

"That is true." I agreed.

He continued, "Not to mention, they made our pursuit of Satish difficult with having to bribe them with network communication towers for Commlink access just so we be provided passage into the capital. Their neutrality is now coming to bite them back in their rear ends." He sat back in his seat and shrugged, "It is of no issue to Vesneau so long as no one touches our boarders." He finished.

What Andrew was saying was right, speaking as a monarch, we did our part in aiding who we thought was viable. We won the battle in re-taking the throne for the Queendom of Satish and settling them under Vesneau's authority—they now belonged to us. Satish sandwiched in between these two countries, did nothing even when Queen Ksanel and Princess Chijel sought their aid, citing that it was against their "religious" beliefs to interfere.

But they seemed to have no problem opening up their country to us when there was the benefit of having communication towers for their use; they were hypocrites in a sense, but now they were fearful their status quo would be amended due to Quigia's aggression.

Sure it was no problem of ours, but in the case that Quigia was able to successfully capture even one Serphaee from the Holy Capital, what then?

I could understand why countries were becoming a bit weary of Vesneau, after all, we now had four countries in our possession in addition to our own—we essentially dominated the entire east side of the Kusoa continent. The Kerisian Queendom, now turned Empire had moved just as quickly securing the Principality of Oave, further increasing their hold over the western sector.

Any haste movements on their end could be seen as an act of aggression if they weren't willing to at least ally with us and pledge an oath of loyalty to the country, which hasn't been done at the current moment.

It was why Izzie, our Minister and diplomat of this country was working so rigorously to ensure that there was peace amongst the remaining countries that hadn't fallen under Kerisian or Vesnesian rule.

But something in my gut told me this wouldn't be the last we heard of the Phavians; they seemed rather persistent in their letter, though they disrespected us by not even bothering to send an envoy to personally speak face to face on the matter. It wasn't much of a choice as it was a slap to the face that they only sought our aid when they needed it for their own self-absorbed reasons more than anything else.

I grunted a response.

"Just how powerful are these Serphaees anyway? If they're so precious, should they not be able to protect themselves?" I questioned.

Serphaees were a rarity amongst Aikean, not to mention having multiple at once, to which Phavia was acclaimed for having three—two women and a man. The Edrya Theocracy that resided near Keris only had one, and from what I understood Cluyze and Phavia also respectively had one each.

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