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Brothers from afar.

After a tremendous amount of convincing from my mother, she eventually caved in and allowed me to spend a regulated amount of time playing in the snow. She almost didn't permit me to because of the fever I exhibited last night, but I'm sure my doe eyes were enough for her to fold on her decision.

Truth be told, I just needed some fresh air. I spent a lot of my days inside of the palace especially since the weather was pretty chilly and there was only so much pretending I could do with focusing on toys before a grown man would go mad.

I wanted to go outside, even if it was just shy of the walls of the palace to be able to experience something other than "child-like" wonder. It was exhausting pretending at times, in addition to that, the physical restraints of my body prevented me from doing some of the things I had in mind.

The maids weren't too far from where I was walking idle, kicking up the snow against the toe of my boot as I timed a good escape route from the pestering servants. I needed to get away from their watchful eyes so I could go check out some other parts of the large plot of land.

I pressed my lips against each other as I felt a cool breeze pass my cheek in a rushed whisper, my skin prickled lightly with the shards of the snow resting on the ground hitting me but I was okay.

How nice at times it was to feel sensations like this

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

How nice at times it was to feel sensations like this.

It reminded me of the fact that I wasn't necessarily dead, or if so, the realism of this world surely surpassed that of what one would consider heaven.

"Ah! Must the crown prince be adamant to come out in the middle of Sladomm!" One of the maids complained.

"The young prince is at an age where he wants to explore. He'll get cold soon enough and we'll be inside in no time." The other replied.

I scoffed. We'll see about that.

"The Queen-doxy did give him a time limit so he doesn't get sick, so we can go based on that. Just allow him to play a little in the snow." I turned my attention just slightly off my shoulder and saw they had their backs turned to me as they focused on that frozen fountain resting to the far right of where they stood.

Here is my chance!

I quickly trudged as best as I could with my shorter legs, avoiding the crunching noises of the snow as I pushed forward and made my escape away from the maids.

The heavy pants of my breath clouded the air around me in small bursts of smoke as I scurried out of the vicinity and towards an area of the palace I had not been to before. Usually, when I took walks with my mother or the maids, we stayed in just one particular area right by the ponds and flower gardens and nothing passed that—maybe the gazebo on a good day, but now that it was cold and everything was shrouded in blankets of snow, there was barely any place to go.

My Starseed Meets Me In A Different Worldजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें