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Once the twilight begins.

"Your bath has been readied, M'lady!" Once I had averted my eyes from the sorcery books I was studying to be tested from, I realized that it had grown later into the night.

The beauty of getting older was that bedtimes weren't as stringent as I was at a younger age; I still at times snuck and lit a candle to do some more reading when I wasn't tired, but now that the light crystals have been fully implemented, I could flicker lights on and off with the mineral panel so I could better read most material.

There was so much to master in the world of magic. When I first began learning, a lot of it was just basic theory—how magic came to be, how one possesses it internally, how to maintain and contain it, the different types of magic, etc.

Now Mr. Ennith was beginning to move onto tougher and more advanced subjects such as creating protection wards and whatnot. Since I was Defense Mage, a lot of my talents lay more in a combative state compared to his Spiritual Maging.

Mr. Ennith was very skilled in things such as brewing potions and elixirs, astrology studies, cosmic research, enchanting, and alchemy. Where Defense maging focused on the use of warding, practical magic, aura shielding, and other physical elements of mana use.

He says mages and sages for the most part can learn a select few skills from other factions, but it was quite limited in that sense. I was fine with it because Mr. Ennith was certified to teach in all factions regardless if he had the ability to do those specific things himself.

He had to teach me that in addition to other subjects of this nation like language and government, foreign policy, economics, literature, philosophy, and more.

It was honestly impressive that he could pull all those subjects together and not break a sweat; it would have been impossible though if I had to share him as an instructor amongst my siblings because time was so limited. Thankfully both Chandrelle and Lehamo all had their own imported teachers from Cluyze to designate their time and energy to.

"Lady Lavania?" Beside me, a maid appeared to once again remind me of my time to go and bathe. I sighed deeply and shut my book momentarily and stood up, allowing her to guide me towards my private bathing room.

Since getting the renovation completed on the state, living here has been far more comfortable, to say the least; I enjoyed my own space and it helped that I didn't have to go out of my way and risk potential contact with Lehamo randomly when it was time to clean up or whatever. Here, I could have all my needs met before heading out and completing the tasks for that day.

Inside the washroom, it was warm and there were two other maids there waiting to assist with my bath as they usually did

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Inside the washroom, it was warm and there were two other maids there waiting to assist with my bath as they usually did. I was helped out of my clothing and assisted into the bathtub itself as the maids got to work sponging my body down with wet cloths and different kinds of soaps and oils; they smelt interesting, different from the scents I was used to in the old world but they were nice, some better than others.

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