Part 98

532 32 1

(A Few Months Later)
"We aren't filming right now! Please, I'll be back in a week or two. If you need me back before then I'll be on the next flight back." I plea to the producers with my manager and Tom standing with me for support.

"Covid has stopped filming for now. I think it'll be fine until we need her back." My manager steps forward trying to help me convince the producers to let me go to London to see Lizzie. They look at each other silently then motion for my manager to follow them. "Stay here with Tom. I'll let you know what happens" I nod in agreement before they walk away from us.

"Im sure they'll let you go we haven't filmed in almost a month" Tom smiles softly at me, placing his hand on my shoulder.

"I hope so. We've been so busy, I haven't seen Lizzie in months. I miss her" I frown crossing my arms across my chest.

"Don't worry love, I'm sure you'll be able to go" He wraps his arm around my shoulder and pulls me into a hug.

"Thanks Tom" I smile wrapping my arms around him, hugging him back. "Remember, if I do go. You need to watch Ivy while I'm gone" I pull back pointing my finger sternly at him jokingly.

"I know. Me and Zendaya will take very good care of little Ivy for you" He chuckles taking a small step back away from me.

"I appreciate it as always" Then I see my manager walking back over to me and Tom with a smile on her face.

"Hey! So they reluctantly agreed to let you go. For max two weeks. But if we need you back before then you have to hurry back" She says with a stern look on her face for a moment but it quickly turns into a smile.

"Really!? Yes! Thank you! I'll come back as fast as I can if you need me before the two weeks is up!" I cheer and hug onto Tom.

"Let's go get you packed up and ready to go then!" He laughs hugging me tightly. I nod in agreement before we say bye and hurry back to the house. Once we're home I book me a ticket to London then pack up a few bags with Tom's help.


That night I had flown to London and got here at about 11am the next day. I didn't tell Lizzie I was coming because I want to surprise her at her house here. I gather all my bags and manage to get over to Lizzie's house. When I get up to her front door I set my bags down off to the side of the door and knock. The door opens revealing Lizzie in one of my baggy shirts and a pair of leggings. "Hey darling" I chuckle, smiling widely at her. She locks eyes with me not realizing it's me, I can tell she just woke up.

It takes her a moment to realize it's me then her eyes widen. "Y/n!? Is this really you?!"

"Who else would it be silly. I'm really here" I hum, opening my arms to her for a hug. Suddenly she leaps forward into my arms knocking me back onto my butt. "Whoa! Hi to you too b-" Before I can finish she grabs onto my face and smashes her lips onto my lips passionately. Her arms wrap around my neck as she begins pecking my lips over and over making me giggle. "Belle! As much as I love this, let's go inside" I manage to say between kisses.

She then gives me one more longing kiss before hurrying to her feet, pulling me up with her. "Sorry I'm just excited! Let's bring your stuff in and we can talk" She smiles grabbing one of my bags then grabs my hand. As I grab the other bag of mine she pulls me into her house. "I'll take these upstairs. You sit." She points to the couch walking through the living room towards the stairs.

"Alright I wait down here belle" I chuckle walking over and taking a seat on her couch. While I wait for her to come back down I look around the room tapping my fingers against the couch cushion. After a minute or two I hear Lizzie's footsteps quickly approaching the living room. Again Lizzie tackles me down onto the couch kissing me again. "Jeez darling! You're gonna hurt me one of these times"

"I'm sorry! But what are you doing here? I thought you had to stay in the states." She sits up straight, now sitting on top of me straddling my hips.

"Well with Covid filming has stopped for us too. So I convinced the producers to let me come here for two weeks at max. But I'll have to fly back before that if they need me" I explain propping myself up with my elbows. "Can I sit up?"

Lizzie shakes her head then lays down on top of me hugging me tightly. "I'm glad you're here. I've missed you the past few months honey" She nuzzles her face in my neck while wrapping her legs around me.

"I can tell, I missed you too. That's why I came to surprise you my love" I hum happily, hugging her tightly back.

"How's Ivy?" She queries as she lifts her head up to look at me.

"She's doing good. Toms looking after her while I'm here." I smile leaning down and kissing her softly.

"Good. Now" She scoots up grabbing hold of my chin with one hands. Then she kisses me passionately again while her free hand roams my body.

I wrap one arm around her and manage to flip over so now I'm on top of her. "Hey I just got here, you already want to?"

"It's been months! I've missed you" She whines pulling at my shirt making me laugh.

"At least show me around the house before we start" I chuckle getting off of her and hold my hand out to her.

She huffs taking my hand and gets off of the couch. "Fine. I'll save the bedroom for last" She winks then starts walking away. I stand there smiling, watching as she walks away. Then she stops and turns her head to face me, "Are you coming or not?"

"Oh right, yea I'm coming!" I shake my thoughts away and hurry over to her. She takes my hand in hers and begins showing me around her house. "I can't wait to spend the next two weeks with you belle" I wrap my arms around her waist and kiss her cheek as we start the little tour of her house.

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