Part 76

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I sit watching Tom and his brothers talk back and forth, poking fun at one another. "Are you ok over there Y/n?" Paddy says bringing my attention over to him.

"Yea I'm fine. Why do you ask?" I raise an eyebrow at him chuckling.

"Because you've been pretty quiet since you both got here" Sam chimes in, now all the brothers are looking over at me.

"He's right you have been pretty quiet" Harry chimes in as well.

"I'm fine! I'm just distracted since I'm going to LA for a week to see Lizzie" I chuckle leaning back on the couch, glancing over at Tom.

"Oh yes how exciting!" Their mom says walking into the room. She comes over kissing the top of my head, "I'm sure you miss Lizzie"

"I do, a lot actually" I sigh happily, looking up at their mom.

"I like how happy she makes you sweetheart!" She leans down over the couch hugging me tightly. "She's a keeper"

"I agree, she's stuck with me" I chuckle lightly looking down at my phone. "Oh shit. I have to go so I don't miss my flight"

"I'll drop you off and then come back here" Tom nods at me standing up from the couch as they all look at him.

"Come back here?" Sam questions.

"Aren't you going to LA with her?" Paddy queries as I stand up from my seat.

"No I uh.. decided to stay here last minute." He chuckles awkwardly while rubbing the back of his neck. His mom walks over to him and slaps the back of his head. "Ow! Mum what the hell??"

"Why did you cancel on her!?" She huffs smacking his arm.

"It's ok! I don't mind going by myself, he can stay if he'd like" I chuckle nervously watching his mom glare at him.

"You're lucky she's ok with it honey." She then turns back to me and pulls me in for a hug. "We'll miss you while you're gone!"

"I'll miss you guys too! I'll come visit again when I come back" I smile taking a step back. Then I hug Sam, Harry and Paddy bye before walking out with Tom.

The start of the car ride was silent until Tom finally spoke up. "I am sorry for canceling last minute"

"Again it's ok Tommy! I was a little annoyed at first but really it's ok" I look over at him trying to assure him that it's fine.

"Tell Lizzie I'm sorry too" He sighs meeting my gaze.

"She's not going to be upset." I chuckle looking forward. "Hey she'll be happy, more alone time for us" I look over at him and wink. He just scoffs at me and rolls his eyes. "No but seriously she'll be happy you're hanging out with someone"

"Maybe I'll come down sometime this week"

"You don't have to do that, if you want to stay here you stay here" I put my hand on his shoulder as we pull up the the airport. He silently stops the car and the two of us get out. He pulls my luggage out of the car and brings it over to me. I drop the bag on the ground and pull him into a hug. "Tom don't feel bad ok? I love you but we don't have to do everything together. Right?"

"Right.. I'll miss you" He chuckles squeezing me tightly.

"I'll miss you too. I'll make sure to call so you can say hi to Lizzie and Scarlett" I pull back chuckling.

"Ok I'd like that. You should go before you miss your flight"

"Shit! I'll text you when I land. Love you bye!" I grab my bag and start quickly walking to the doors.

"Bye! Love you too!" I turn and wave to him before walking into the airport.


Once I had gotten off the plane I texted Tom that I had landed then called Scarlett. She told me Lizzie was on set of Sorry For Your Loss. I told her I'd see her later and headed off to surprise Lizzie on set in a rental car. I park the car and head to Lizzie's trailer, I knock a few times but there's no answer. "Hey. Are you looking for Lizzie?" I hear a voice behind me making me jump. I turn around to see Mamoudou Athie, her costar, standing at the bottom of the stairs.

"Oh hi! Yes I'm looking for her" I chuckle awkwardly still standing in front of her door.

"She's just finishing up a scene. Here I'll take you to set" He offers motioning me to follow.

"Thanks" I smile following him off to set. "Do you.. know why I'm looking for Lizzie?"

"Yes I know who you are. You're the girlfriend she doesn't shut up about" He looks over at me laughing a bit.

"I am" I laugh putting my hands in my pocket, "And you're her costar Mamoudou right?"

"Correct" We approach where they were filming a scene. I see Lizzie sitting down when Mamoudou stops. "It was very nice to meet you, Y/n right?"

"Right, it was nice to meet you" I smile shaking his hand before he walks away. I look back to the scene happening in front of me. Once I heard the director yell cut I stood with a smile on my face waiting for Lizzie to see me. After a few seconds Lizzie starts walking towards me. Then she looks up making eye contact with me and covers her mouth. "Hey darling" Suddenly she runs at me, tackling me into a hug. "Ah! Belle you're going to break a bone doing that one of these times"

I laugh as she pulls back and grabs my face. She smashes her lips onto mine, "What are you doing here?!"

"I wanted to surprise you! I have a week off so I came to see you!" I chuckle as she begins kissing me over and over again. "Ok I love you belle but let's get off the floor" I laugh as she looks around.

"Here let's go to my trailer" She suggests as we get up off the ground. She grabs my hand and leads me out to her trailer.

Once we get into her trailer I turn around ready to say something when she pushes me onto her couch. She gets on top of me kissing me softly, "Whoa well hi to you too darling"

"I missed you so much" She says before kissing me again.

"I missed you too belle" I wrap my arms around her tightly, kissing her back.

She hums happily, laying her head on my chest. I kiss the top of her head when she points over to my bag which I had dropped when she pushed me on the couch. "Is that a stuffed animal in your purse?"

I chuckle reaching for my bag and pull it over to us. I then pull out a small stuffed animal, "I got it for Rose, also to mess with Scar a little. Since I can't give her a real pet, this little puppy stuffed animal should do"

"It's adorable, she'll love it my love" She giggles kissing me again. "Are you going to stay here or go back to Scarlett's?"

"I'll stay here, we can go back together. Besides I like watching you act" I place the stuffed animal back in my purse and kiss her softly.

"I'm glad you're here.."

"I'm glad I'm here too belle."

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