Part 59

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"Bye! Thank you for having us over. Dinner was delicious!" Zendaya hugs me tightly as Jacob hugs Tom.

"It's no problem! We'll definitely have to do it again. And thank you" I flash her a smile as she lets go of me. Then they switch, Jacob hugs me and Zendaya hugs Tom.

"Bye it was nice finally meeting you both!" Lizzie says now standing next to me with a smile.

"It was nice meeting you too" Both Zendaya and Jacob say.

"I'll walk you out" Tom offers them, they nod and say goodbye again before leaving.

"Paddy!" I yell wondering where he went.

"Yea?" He pokes his head out of Toms room raising an eyebrow.

"Why are you in Toms room?" I query turning to fully face him.

"I was just checking it out" He smiles walking out as Tom walks back into the house.

"Alright Paddy, time to go home" He sighs then smiles at us all standing there.

"Bye Paddy! You'll all have to come over next time" I pull him into a big bear hug.

"Yes I'd love that!" He says excitedly squeezing.

He lets go and turns to Lizzie shyly. She chuckles and opens her arms for a hug. "It was nice to meet you Paddy" She smiles as he shyly comes in for a hug.

"It was nice to meet you too!" I watch him step back and smile. "It's nice to see Y/n so happy" He looks over at me then turns to Tom. "Ok I'm ready to go. Bye you two!" He turns his head and waves to us.

"Bye" Me and Lizzie say in unison the look at each other and laugh.

"I'll be back girls" Tom nods to us and leaves out the front door with Paddy.

I feel Lizzie's arms wrap around me from behind. "Hi my love" I chuckle turning around in her arms.

"Hi" She smiles and kisses me softly. "Let's go sit on the couch"

"Ok belle whatever you want" I smile taking her hand in mine and walking to the couch. She sits me down and then lays her head on my shoulder. "Are you ok belle?"

"Yea I'm ok. You're really close with Tom's family huh?" She queries wrapping her arms around me, now cuddling up against me.

"They're my second family. I spent a lot of time there when I was younger" I smile leaning my head on hers.

"Can you tell me about it?" She asks, now moving so she's laying her head down on my lap.

"About what? Me and Toms family?" I smile moving some stray hairs out of her face.

"Yes please. I like learning new things about you and your childhood" She smiles lifting her hand up and placing it on my cheek.

"You're cute belle" I lean down kissing her softly. "Well I met Tom in Elementary school, we became friends pretty quickly since we sat at the same table. We found out we didn't live too far from each other so we started hanging out outside of school. We'd hangout more so outside and occasionally in either my house or his." I explain as she listens with a big smile on her face. "My dad worked late and my mom began picking up longer shifts at work so I'd be home alone especially because Ava always went to her friends house all the time."

Lizzie reaches both her hands and grabs my cheeks, "Aw my poor baby"

I chuckle kissing her again, "It's fine. Mostly because when I told Tom about it, he told his mom. Once he told his mom, his mom would pick me up from school and instead of taking me home she'd take me to their house. That went on for a long time, even when my mom and dad stopped working late I'd still go over for a few hours.." I smile softly down at her. "So I got really close to his family.. his you get brothers were so little" I chuckle thinking about them all running around wanting to play with us.

"Aw that's a sweet story baby" She sits up resting her arms along my shoulders. "Id love to meet your second family sometime"

"They're also Toms family" I tease, she rolls her eyes at me making me laugh.

"I know! That's another reason I want to meet them" She scoffs. I chuckle pulling her onto my lap.

"I love you" I lean forward kissing her softly.

"I love you more my love" She wraps her arms further around my neck deepening the kiss. I grab her waist pulling her closer to me.

A few seconds later the front door opens, "Honey I'm home!" Tom yells walking into the living room where me and Lizzie are now looking over at him. "You two were just making out weren't you?"

"Only for a minute. I was telling her about why I'm so close with your family" I smile back at him as Lizzie climbs off my lap, sitting back on the couch.

"Oh that story. That's a good one" He smiles walking over to the couch and sitting down on the other side of Lizzie.

"It was super cute!" She turns to him excitedly.

"I agree it's super cute" He chuckles leaning forward to grab the remote from the coffee table. "Do you girls want to watch a movie before heading to bed?"

I look at Lizzie to see what she wants, when she turns to me the big smile on her face says it all. "Sure that's sounds great Tommy!"

"I'm glad I get to stay here and spend time with you" Lizzie hugs my side nuzzling her face in my neck. I hear Tom let out an offended gasp cashing Lizzie to look over at him. "You too of course Tom!" She jumps over now hugging his side. "Thank you for helping me surprise her again. I know I said this already but I missed you both a lot"

"We've missed you too Liz" Tom smiles and kisses the top of her head. I see him look over at me and raise his eyebrows at me.

"Don't look at me like that" I roll my eyes and open my arms wanting to cuddle with Lizzie. "I missed you more belle!"

She giggles and comes back into my arms cuddling up against me. "Hey maybe I want cuddles" He huffs now crossing his arms in fake annoyance.

"My girlfriend" I glare over at him.

"You two" Lizzie laughs looking from Tom to me. "I can tell I'm gonna enjoy being here" she curls up on my lap humming happily.

"I'm glad a enjoy you being here too my love" I smile kissing her forehead then tighten my grip around her as Tom picks a movie for us to watch.

Nowhere To Goजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें