Part 8

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I wake up looking around confused then I remember I slept in Lizzie's room last night. I look down rubbing the sleep from my eyes seeing Lizzie asleep on my chest. I smile realizing she's koala cuddling me. "I can feel you staring at me Y/l/n" She chuckles and smiles looking up at me.

"Oh, heh I didn't know you were awake" I laugh nervously as she yawns and stretches on me. I watch her sit up taking a deep breathe, "Are you ok?"

"Do you want to go see a movie tonight? Like at an actual movie theater?" Lizzie looks at me as I sit up for waiting for my confirmation.

"Sure sounds fun" I smile letting out a chuckle when her face lights up.

"Then we can go for a little walk after!" She says excitedly grabbing my hands.

"If you want Yea that's ok with me. Now I'm gonna shower" I chuckle as she lets go of my hands, I notice her cheeks turn slightly red. I get up and leave her room. Is this gonna be like a date? No no I'm probably thinking too much into it. I hop in the shower and wash up, once I'm done I walk out of my room. "Ah Lizzie!!?"

Lizzie's eyes widen as I cover my body with my towel. She quickly covers her eyes, "I'm sorry! I wanted to see if you wanted to just eat waffles for breakfast! I. I made coffee too"

"Um, yea waffles are fine! I'll be down in a minute" I feel my face burn and turn red from embarrassment.

"Right yea. I'll go" She turns around bumping into my door making me laugh. She chuckles awkwardly then leaves the room shutting the door behind her.

I get dressed and run downstairs where Lizzie is setting the table. For some reason while we ate it was so awkward, well it's probably since she just walked in and saw me butt ass naked. The rest of the day I talked to Tom some and watched tv in my room until it was time for the movie. I walk downstairs to Lizzie who's sitting on the couch in the living room. "Hey Lizzie, you ready?"

"Yep! Let's head out so we aren't late" She hops up to her feet grabbing my hand. I laugh as she drags me out the door and to the car.

"Sorry I was in my room all day, I was talking to Tom for awhile" I apologize as she starts driving to the movie theater.

"No it's ok, I'm sorry for walking in on you naked earlier" Lizzie clears her throat looking over at me.

"It's ok, I was kinda embarrassed" I laugh awkwardly.

"You were embarrassed!? I was the one who walked in on you and your hot bod!" She exclaims looking back at the road making me laugh.

"Hot bod huh?" I smirk as her face turns red. "I'm just teasing, thanks though" I wink at her chuckling. I turn up the music and start singing along to the song. Lizzie joins in until we arrive at the movie theater. After the movie we decide to drive to a nearby park. We park and get out to walk around a little. As we walk Lizzie wraps her arms around my bicep. I look over at her my heart starting to beat out of my chest at how close she is to me. She seems nervous, she's been awfully quiet as well. "I've had a nice time Lizzie" I smile as she stops. She turns around quickly and grabs the back of my neck pulling me towards her.

"Y/n!? Is that you?" I hear a voice say making us both turn to look.

"You've gotta be kidding me. Maya what are you doing here?" I groan as Lizzie let's go of me.

"Who's this?" Lizzie queries slightly annoyed.

"I'm her ex Maya! I can't believe you're here it's been so long" She walks towards us now standing a few feet away from me.

"It has Yea." I rub my forearm awkwardly.

"We should grab coffee sometime!" She says grabbing my hands.

My whole body tenses up and I rip my hands from hers. "Um I'm really busy most days, filming and all! Speaking of we should get going" I laugh awkwardly grabbing Lizzie's hand and pull her away. "See you around!"

"Bye Y/n!" Maya yells after us.

We climb into the car and I sigh, "You're gonna see her around?" Lizzie says sounding annoyed.

"Oh well no probably not. I hope not" I look at her for an answer but she stays silent. The whole ride home was silent and once we got home Lizzie ran up to her room slamming the door. I walk upstairs sighing and knock on her door, "Lizzie? Are you ok?" No answer. I try the door but she's locked it. "Lizzie come on what's wrong? Why'd you lock me out?" Still nothing. "I'm gonna go for a walk..." I sigh sadly and walk downstairs. I open the front door and slam it shut getting frustrated. Why do my exes have to ruin the moment! Why are they all in LA all of a sudden!? Lizzie was gonna kiss me! Well.. at least I think she was. I walk for a little when I reach for my phone I realize I put it in my bag, "Shit. I've been gone for awhile. Lizzie's probably worried." I run back to the house, on the way I bump into someone knocking us both down. "I'm so sorry! Wait, Lizzie!?" I sit up as Lizzie sits up as well.

"I was so worried! You left your phone at home, I waited but you didn't come back so I left to come find you! I'm so glad you're ok!" She's so worried about me.. I crawl to her putting my hand on her cheek as she scans my face. "Y/n?.."

"Lizzie.." I lean forward pressing my lips softly onto Lizzie's. She grabs my shirt bringing me closer to her deepening the kiss. I grab her waist pulling her onto my lap, she wraps her arms around my neck tangling her hands in my hair. We pause for a moment to catch our breathes before Lizzie hungrily smashes her lips back onto mine. After what seems like hours we break apart and I rest my forehead on hers. "Wow"

"That was.. something" She says as her cheeks glow bright red.

"Wow.." She laughs pulling back looking into my eyes. "We should get inside. It's late" She smiles and gets up bringing me with her. Once we stand up she grabs me by the collar of my shirt and smashes her lips onto mine.

"Now let's go inside" She giggles against my lips as my cheeks burn. Lizzie takes my hand in hers as we walk back to the house.

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